
Technical Session IV: Advanced Technologies I


With support from DARPA and the Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office a new approach to conventional spacecraft mission assurance has been developed that has the potential to revolutionize current practices. The goal of this new approach, coined Digital Assurance (DA), is to provide decision makers with real-time, quantified information at any level of the program, including continuous, live custody of its comprising components. Digital Assurance will enable reduction in program costs and time associated with conventional mission assurance approaches. DA represents the intelligent integration of the digital design environment with the digital manufacturing environment to achieve unprecedented levels of knowledge about the physical configuration of a satellite.

The foundation for the successful implementation of DA is the concept of Continuous Custody and a Graph Database. Continuous Custody takes advantage of the physical reality that the majority of spacecraft Assembly, Integration, and Test (AI&T) takes place in a very well-defined and well-controlled physical environment, allowing capture of a broad scope of environmental factors.


Aug 9th, 2:15 PM Aug 9th, 2:30 PM

Digital Assurance: Empowering Decision Makers in the Digital Age

With support from DARPA and the Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office a new approach to conventional spacecraft mission assurance has been developed that has the potential to revolutionize current practices. The goal of this new approach, coined Digital Assurance (DA), is to provide decision makers with real-time, quantified information at any level of the program, including continuous, live custody of its comprising components. Digital Assurance will enable reduction in program costs and time associated with conventional mission assurance approaches. DA represents the intelligent integration of the digital design environment with the digital manufacturing environment to achieve unprecedented levels of knowledge about the physical configuration of a satellite.

The foundation for the successful implementation of DA is the concept of Continuous Custody and a Graph Database. Continuous Custody takes advantage of the physical reality that the majority of spacecraft Assembly, Integration, and Test (AI&T) takes place in a very well-defined and well-controlled physical environment, allowing capture of a broad scope of environmental factors.