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Monday, May 10th
9:00 AM

A System for Adaptive Volume Ventilation

Brad Brian, University of Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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An Infrared Approach to Thin-Layer Based Biosensors

Ignacio J. Garcia, University of Denver
Nicole Branan, University of Denver
Rola Altoos, University of Denver
Todd A. Wells, University of Denver

Salt Lake Community College

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An Optical Source for Characterizing CMOS Imagers: Characterization and Calibration Results

Jed J. Hancock, Utah State University

Salt Lake Community College

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Applying Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Models in the Operating Room: Validation of Response Surface Models

Farrant H. Sakaguchi, University of Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Choosing a Starting Configuration for Particle Swarm Optimization

Mark Richards, Brigham Young University-Utah
Dan Ventura, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Detecting Surface Melt of Antarctic Ice-Sheets Using Scatterometers

Lukas B. Kunz, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Electrical Design of the Minrad Two-Channel Infrared Radiometer for Small Sounding Rockets

Anthony J. Jensen, Utah State University

Salt Lake Community College

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Following Anesthetic Course in Pharmacological Space

Darryl Zitting, University of Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Improved Hexahedral Meshing on Biological Models

Sara Richards, Brigham Young University-Utah
Steven Benzley, Brigham Young University-Utah
Jason Sheperd
Mike Stephenson

Salt Lake Community College

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Improving Electromagnetic Bias Estimates

Floyd W. Millett, Brigham Young University-Utah
Karl F. Warnick, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling on Polar Sea Ice Classification

Shuyi Li, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Mesospheric Temperature Climatology and Comparisons Above the Rocky Mountains

Joshua P. Herron, Utah State University

Salt Lake Community College

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Model Adjustments for Individual Patients using Rocuronium

Rose Mills, University of Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Motion Compensation of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

David P. Duncan, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Parameter Estimation of Linear FM Scatterometer Pulses Received by the SeaWinds Calibration Ground Station

Spencer S. Haycock, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Recent Results from the USU Plasma Impedance Probe for the NASA E-Winds Sounding Rocket Campaign

Chad G. Carlson, Utah State University

Salt Lake Community College

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Residual Stresses in Tungsten Thin Films for Single Photon Detectors

Laurna M. Kaatz, University of Denver
A. E. Lita
D. Balzar

Salt Lake Community College

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SABER Data Processing

Ricky L. Fielding, Utah State University

Salt Lake Community College

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Scattering Computations from Canonical Geometries and Their Accuracy

Clayton Davis, Brigham Young University-Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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SIFTIR: Spectro-polarimetric Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the InfraRed

Colby Jurgenson, University of Denver
Robert Stencel, University of Denver

Salt Lake Community College

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The Evaluation of a Pulmonary Graphical Display in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Feasibility Study

S. Blake Wachter, University of Utah
Dwayne Westenskow, University of Utah

Salt Lake Community College

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Utah State University, Auroral Research, and the Cold War

Paul Concidine, Utah State University

Salt Lake Community College

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