Student Collector

Shayna HepnerFollow

Date Collected

Fall 11-16-2018

Place item was collected

Logan, Utah


Shelby Johnson

Point of Discovery/Informant Bio

Shelby Johnson is the mother of one daughter and one son. She is the oldest sister to two younger sisters and one younger brother. She grew up in Nibley, Utah and graduated Mountain Crest High School. She continued on her schooling in the Veterinarian Assistant Program at Bridgerland Applied Technology School after graduation. Shelby has been married to the love of her life for 2 years this past September.


Shelby has spent Thanksgiving at her Great Grandma’s houses in Nibley, Utah for most of her childhood. Her great grandma’s house was right next door to the childhood home Shelby grew up in. Shelby would spend the holiday with not only her immediate family, but her extended family as well. Only as her family got bigger would the location change. Shelby told me this story in her living room.


When I was growing up, I was lucky enough to grow up living next door to my great grandma and her dairy farm. On Thanksgiving we would walk next door for dinner or on the day before to help get stuff ready for Thanksgiving the day before. There were a lot of people that would come like, great grandma, grandma and grandpa, both of grandmas brothers and their wives, all of their kids, and all of their kids’ kids. We would all eat dinner around 2 o’clock and then the men would go to milk the cows, sometimes us kids would go to feed the calves, and the women would stay inside and make two or three quilts. While we were eating dinner we always have the football game on and there is always lots of yelling at the T.V. After the guys were done with the milking, they would come back inside to relax. Some of my older cousins would go downstairs and play pool. They usually got mad at us if we came down because they did not want us to ruin their game. Us younger cousins would stay upstairs and play games like Clue, The Game of Life, and Monopoly. Sometimes we would play card games too. My favorite was to play Slap Jack. When I got older I was able to go down and play pool with the older cousins because I liked being down there and I liked not being grouped into being a “kid” anymore. Some of the food we always make is the turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, and other common Thanksgiving food then we would eat pie later. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving dinner is the turkey and the mashed potatoes. My favorite pie is chocolate cream or pumpkin pie. The best thing about Thanksgiving is having all my family that I do not get to see all of the time. I have continued on most of these traditions as I have got married and had kids. We do not have Thanksgiving at my great grandma’s house anymore because the family got to big. Thanksgiving dinner is now at my grandparents house in Hyrum. Because I got married, I have Thanksgiving with my family one year and with my husbands family the next year.


Shelby was having a hard time remembering her Thanksgiving traditions. She was chasing around her little girl and trying to feed her baby while doing the interview. Shelby did not seem too interested in doing the interview at the time it was conducted.


ENGL 2210


Lynne McNeill

Semester and year

Fall 2018


G1: Holidays

EAD Number

