
Leah D. Widtsoe

Document Type

Full Issue

Publication Date



This paper was written for and read before the first International Congress of Farm Women held at Colorado Springs, October 17th to 21st, 1911. A few changes have been made in the manuscript and some illustrations added.

The name indicates that it is written for the progressive farmers of some means--since all labor saving devices cost more or less money. The farm home which finds it difficult to keep flour in the barrel, naturally will not be interested in $125.00 water systems--except as an ideal they may attain to some day, and ideals are always helpful. To find ways and means of helping this class of farm home has our deepest interest, but is entirely another story. The wise woman in any condition can, by using her wits and the means at her command, do much toward making her work simpler and save steps in the performance of it.

The purpose in writing this paper has been two-fold: To stimulate thought on the part of the home-workers--the women; and to induce a spirit of interested co-operation on the part of home providers--the men. An intelligent, active interest in the subject with some good head work thrown in is the best asset any woman can have in her work. Coupled with the wife's determination must be the husband's willing help; for, since the home is shared by both and made for both, no woman can make much advance if she has to "go it alone." So, in spite of the fact that "comparisons are odious," they have been frequently drawn between man's and woman's work on the farm with their respective facilities for work. This has been done not at all to make it appear that men are all at fault and women down-trodden; but to make them both feel that absolute co-operation is necessary in order to realize the possibilities of the joyous freedom of farm life. This condition must hold in all home life as well.
