Date of Award:
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Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair(s)
Robert E. Spall
Robert E. Spall
Thomas H. Fronk
Barton L. Smith
Spatial and temporal variations of Utah Lake’s flow field were modeled using the Estuary Lake and Computer Model from the Centre for Water Research (CWR-ELCOM) at the University of Western Australia as part of an effort to increase understanding of the lake’s natural processes in order to restore the lake to its pristine, clear-water state and preserve the habitat of the June sucker, an endangered species. The model was validated using temperature measurements taken by sensors in 2007. The water temperature was a strong function of air temperature and incident short wave radiation, and was influenced to a lesser degree by wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, and cloud cover. The water currents were affected most strongly by wind speed and wind direction. The model also predicted the free drifting paths of June sucker larvae entering Utah Lake through the Provo and Spanish Fork Rivers between mid-April and July.
Recommended Citation
Callister, Eric V., "A Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Circulation Model of Utah Lake" (2008). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 86.
Additional Files
Base250.avi (36275 kB)Temprature Distribution
Base1000_m.avi (72550 kB)
Velocity Vectors
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