
Food Structure

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Prosopis , Ol neya , and Amaranthus have potenti a l economic value as food or feed crops fo r a rid /semi- arid r egions. Ma ture seeds of these genera we r e examined using scanning e l ec tron and fluoresce nce microscopy to define a natomy and localize s t or age s truc tures in cells . Pro t ein bodies, some co nt a ini ng phytin inc lu sions , were l oca li zed in the embryos of five Prosopi s s peci es . Prosopis chilensis wa s the only one of the five Prosopis examined which contained starch . In all Prosopis, endosperm was attached t o the inner layer of the seed coat, was thickest in the center of the seed, and gradually decreased in thickness toward the periphery. Olneya t eso t a contained numerous protein and lipid storage-bodies throughout the cotyledons . The co t yledons also contained small sta r ch granules . The thin l eguminous seed coa t had a small quan tity of endosperm attached t o the in ner s urface . Amaranthus cruen tus and A. eduli s cont a ined abundant s t arch located in the pe rispe rm, a sto rage struct ure e nci r cled by the embryo . Protein bodies , some with phytin inclusions, were located in the Acruentus embryo . These res ult s provide information for development of processing met hods of these seeds for use in foods.

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