Journal of Indigenous Research | Journals | Utah State University
Editors: Gayle Morse, PhD, The Sage Colleges
Pamela L. Begay, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis

Journal of Indigenous Research.

This peer reviewed Journal was created in response to community requests for information about research that has been conducted among their people. The focus of this publication is to obtain articles about research conducted with Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian, Maori populations- written for laypeople - and approximately 1500-2000 words (not including figures, tables, appendices, or references). These articles will be published in the Journal of Indigenous Research and will also be sent to local Native newspapers and websites. The articles submitted to newspapers will be under the title "Full Circle - Returning Native Research to the People" Submissions of current research in the areas of Environment, Public Health, Psychology, Education, and General Health are invited. Clinical case studies regarding culturally appropriate practice -based approaches to working with Indigenous people are also acceptable. It is expected that articles will be current research but may also be articles about initial data from projects that are underway. In addition, articles may be summaries of research that have already been published so we can share what has been completed with the communities.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

We are not accepting new submissions until January 1, 2025. We look forward to hearing from you then.

Recent Content


Amplifying Indigenous Wellbeing: ‘Imi Pono Survey Development and Validation
Brandon C. Ledward, Wendy Kekahio, Pālama Lee, Katherine Tibbetts, Carla Hostetter, Lisa Watkins-Victorino, Trudy Cherasaro, Steven Tedeschi, and Carrie Germeroth


Talking Circle Intervention Among Urban Native American Youth: A Cultural Safety Research Exemplar
Rose Wimbish-Tompkins, John R. Lowe, Melessa Kelley, and Eugenia Millender


Creating a Model for Faculty Success: Faculty Advancement Initiative for Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and People of Color at the University at Albany
Carmen A. Serrano, Elizabeth Vasquez, DeeDee Bennett Gayle, Jared Enriquez, Jonathan Dirlam, and Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan


Weaving Together Indigenous and Western Knowledge in Science Education: Reflections and Recommendations
Zoe Higheagle Strong, Landon James Charlo, Francene Watson, Paula Groves Price, and Kimberly Christen


Assessing Community Needs and Feedback: Using Photovoice to Gather Community Perspective
Morgan Aiwohi Torris-Hedlund, Adrienne Dillard, Sarah Momilani Marshall, and Puni Kekauoha


Review of Environmental Contamination at Akwesasne and Associated Health Outcomes
Thoin F. Begum, David O. Carpenter, and Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment (ATFE)


Assessing the Psychometric Properties of the WHO-DAS 2.0 in an American Indian Community
Thoin F. Begum, Gayle Skawennio Morse, Dedra Buchwald, and David O. Carpenter


American Indian Student Internships and the Pursuit of Equity in Education
Allyson Kelley, Morgan Witzel, Bethany Fatupaito, Dyani Bingham, Desiree Restad, and Sadie Posey


Sweetgrass Method: A Culturally Responsive Approach among American Indian and Alaska Native K-12
Mark Standing Eagle Baez PhD, Carla Allison Baez PhD, Brittany Lavallie, and Whitney Spears


Protecting and Defending our People: Nakni tushka anowa (The Warrior's Path) Final Report. APA Division 45 Warrior’s Path Presidential Task Force (2020)
Michelle Aiello, Danna Bismar, Saskias Casanova, Jesus Manuel Casas, Doris Chang, Jean L. Chin, Lillian Comas-Diaz, Leilani Salvo Crane, Zeynep Demir, Melinda A. Garcia, Liza Hita, Patrice Leverett, Kristina Mendez, Gayle Skawen:nio Morse, shola shodiya-zeumault, Maeve O’Leary Sloan, Marie C. Weil, and Art W. Blume


E Noelo I Ka ‘Ike - To Search For Knowledge
Rae-Anne Montague, Keikilani Meyer, and Kuuleilani Reyes


Post-Pandemic, Translational Research, and Indigenous Communities
Rodney C. Haring, Laticia McNaughton, Dean S. Seneca, Whitney Ann E. Henry, and Donald Warne


The Next Generation of American Indian Public Health Workers: What we learned from the PHWEIC project
Desiree Restad, Allyson Kelley, David Porter, Lauri Kindness, Christie Farmer, and Nadine Weasel Bear


Indigenous Utmost Care
Shaun L. Hains Ph.D.


Generative Generations: Adapting Culturally Rooted Science Ideas to Video Game Design
Elizabeth LaPensee, Christie Poitra, Angela Kolonich, and Estrella Torrez


Nez Perce College and Career Readiness: Wíiwyeteq’is "Growing into an Elder"
Zoe Higheagle Strong, Emma M. McMain, Angel Sobotta, Joyce M. McFarland, and Josiah Blackeagle Pinkham


Relationally Responsive Standpoint
Tyson Yunkaporta and Doris Shillingsworth


Nome Day Shelter
Royleen J. Ross, Seth Green, and Lance E. Johnson


Standing with our American Indian and Alaska Native Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People: Exploring the Impact of and Resources for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Glenna P. Stumblingbear-Riddle Ph.D., Ann K. Burlew Ph.D., Daniel Gaztambide Psy.D., Michelle R. Madore Ph.D., Helen Neville Ph.D., and Gillian Joseph


H.O.P.E. for Indigenous People Battling Intergenerational Trauma: The Sweetgrass Method
Mark Standing Eagle Baez, Patricia Isaac, and Carla Allison Baez


Cognitive Functioning of Akwesasne Mohawk Adolescents Exposed to PCBs
Joan Newman 4425055, Mia Gallo, Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, and Lawrence M. Schell


Food Security, Depression and Quality of Life in Northern Plains Indians
Jacqueline S. Gray, Kevin Gonzaga, James G. Penland, Henry C. Lukaski, and Patty Stensland


Teeth and heavyset kids: Intervention similarities between childhood obesity and oral health interventions within Native American societies
Rodney C. Haring, Warren Skye Jr., Brenda L. Battleson, Maxine Brings-Him-Back-Janis, and Nicolette Teufel-Shone


Does the American Psychological Association’s Code of Ethics work for us?
Gayle Skawennio Morse Ph.D. and Art W. Blume Ph.D.


Expectations and Preferences for Counseling and Psychotherapy in Native Americans
Mark Beitel, AhKeyah Andrada Allahjah, Christopher J. Cutter, Ned Blackhawk, Theodore Van Alst, and Declan T. Barry


Reward Differences Between Adolescents From A Native American Community And Adolescents From A Non-Native American Community
Mark Guthmiller, Daniel D. Houlihan Ph.D., Liesa A. Klein, Kendra J. Homan, and Tammy J. Jollie-Trottier


American Indian Hope: A Potential Protective Factor Against Suicidal Ideation
Victoria M. O'Keefe, Raymond P. Tucker, LaRicka R. Wingate, and Kathy A. Rasmussen


Environmental Toxins and Depression in an American Indian Community
Gayle Skawennio Morse, Glen Duncan, Carolyn Noonan, Eva Garroutte, Azara Santiago-Rivera, David O. Carpenter, and Alice Tarbell