June 9, 2016

Start Date

6-9-2016 1:45 PM

End Date

6-9-2016 2:45 PM


The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education describes information literacy as "extending the arc of learning throughout students' academic careers and as converging with other academic and social learning goals" (ACRL, 2015). Ensuring that information literacy supports learning throughout a student's academic career and beyond is difficult to achieve by only embedding information literacy instruction in early general education courses such as freshmen-level composition and providing the occasional one-shot instruction session. In this panel discussion we will explore what information literacy instruction might look like when thoroughly integrated throughout the curriculum as part of gateway courses that are required for entry into a major and senior capstone courses in the different disciplines. How can we best familiarize students with the information ecosystem and knowledge practices specific to their future professions? What are ways in which we can teach students to effectively use information for learning in their fields of interest and for individual growth?


Jun 9th, 1:45 PM Jun 9th, 2:45 PM

Extending the Arc of Learning: Infusing Information Literacy Throughout Students' Academic Careers

The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education describes information literacy as "extending the arc of learning throughout students' academic careers and as converging with other academic and social learning goals" (ACRL, 2015). Ensuring that information literacy supports learning throughout a student's academic career and beyond is difficult to achieve by only embedding information literacy instruction in early general education courses such as freshmen-level composition and providing the occasional one-shot instruction session. In this panel discussion we will explore what information literacy instruction might look like when thoroughly integrated throughout the curriculum as part of gateway courses that are required for entry into a major and senior capstone courses in the different disciplines. How can we best familiarize students with the information ecosystem and knowledge practices specific to their future professions? What are ways in which we can teach students to effectively use information for learning in their fields of interest and for individual growth?