June 9, 2016

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Thursday, June 9th
9:15 AM

Keynote Address

Donna M. Lanclos

9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

Donna is an anthropologist working with ethnographic methods and analysis to inform and change policy in higher education, in particular in and around libraries, learning spaces, and teaching and learning practices. She is Associate Professor for Anthropological Research at the J. Murrey Atkins Library at UNC Charlotte. Donna has conducted anthropological research in libraries at University College London as well as at UNC Charlotte, and regularly presents workshops and talks in the US and the UK. She has worked with various institutions, including Carnegie Mellon, Parsons the New School, the Wellcome Trust, Imperial College (London), Kingston University (London), and the University of South Carolina (Upstate), on issues of digital practices and institutional change. She blogs about these and other projects at www.donnalanclos.com, and you can also find her on Twitter @DonnaLanclos.

11:15 AM

Business Librarians Get Critical: Examining the Intersections Between Business Librarianship, Critical Librarianship, and Critical Pedagogy

Caitlin Maxwell
Ilana Stonebraker, Purdue University
Jessica Jerrit

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Business education is typically the embodiment of the neoliberalistic and capitalist-centered pedagogy that critical information literacy writers urge us to fight against, making it challenging for business librarians to integrate critical information literacy into the business curriculum in a meaningful way. Yet, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) requires business schools to demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility. How can business librarians incorporate critical theories into a professionally-oriented degree program like business? In what ways can they use critical pedagogy to frame issues of social justice and social responsibility, especially those surrounding the flow of information? Topics of discussion will include connections between business education, critical theory, critical information literacy, and critical pedagogy.

11:15 AM

Demonstrating Dialogue: Using the ACRL Framework to Teach Scholarship as a Conversation

Sarah LeMire, Texas A&M University

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education employs scholarship as conversation as a metaphor to describe the dynamic development of scholarly discourse over time. Many standard methods for teaching information discovery may encourage students to see scholarly work as static and universal, a position that prevents them from recognizing the evolving nature of this conversation and understanding the importance of practicing how to engage in it. In this presentation, we suggest strategies for using the "Scholarship as Conversation" frame to design lesson plans, active learning activities and assignments that encourage students to understand literature in scholarly disciplines as a series of overlapping knowledge claims. We demonstrate ways to encourage students to frame their own scholarly inquiry as a response to these claims. Join us for a lively discussion as we suggest strategies for using this frame to invigorate the ways we teach students to engage in scholarship.

11:15 AM

Fear of Fa(i)(l)ling: Abandoning Old Assessment Footholds for New Ground

Sarah Crissinger, Davidson College
Cara Evanson, Davidson College
Jayme Sponsel, Davidson College

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

In order to reach an authentic approach to assessment, we sometimes need to retreat from an entrenched position in our teaching and programming. At Davidson College, we recently faced this reality when re-evaluating our library orientation. The idea of sacrificing established methods of assessment threatened our continuity, but also inspired us to think about the measures that are truly impactful to student learning. This session will explore the costs and benefits of surrendering old assessment plans for new techniques and present strategies for developing authentic assessments, specifically assessment of students' conceptions about research via case studies in surveys and discussion forums. Attendees will come away with strategies for how to rethink library orientation in ways that allow for understanding and responding to student needs, and ideas for how to create assessments that will provoke conversations on campus.

11:15 AM

Finding New Paths: Leveraging the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Enhanced Librarianship

Margy MacMillan, Mount Royal University
Lauren Hays, MidAmerica Nazarene University

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) can offer new ways for librarians to consider and study our practice, suggest new partners in classroom-based research, provide new opportunities for dissemination, and lead to better integration of our work and expertise within academia. There are strong parallels between SoTL and information literacy (IL) research and the fields have much to offer each other. The SoTL literature offers a broad range of discipline-based methods that may spark ideas for investigating student learning and research that can inform our teaching. The presenters will review SoTL basics, and ask participants to scan recent SoTL research and discuss ways to adapt ideas from these studies to their own teaching and research work. We will conclude by sharing ideas on how librarians can get started in their own SoTL work or partner with other faculty who are conducting pedagogical research.

11:15 AM

Pack Your Bags with Metacognition! Embedding Reading Skills in the Online Information Literacy Classroom

Zoe H. Fisher, Pierce College at Puyallup

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

As librarians, we often focus our teaching on helping students gather and evaluate sources. To take online learning to the next level, how can librarians teach students to engage meaningfully with sources and develop strategies for reading academic texts? In this session, a community college librarian will share her experience embedding reading activities in an online information literacy course. These flexible, adaptable learning tools can be used in a variety of instructional scenarios, including one-shot instruction. Attendees will learn ways to improve students' research skills while also increasing their reading comprehension. This session is appropriate for all librarians who are inspired to encourage and develop academic literacy skills.

11:15 AM

Walking the path together: creating an instructional design team to elevate learning

Amanda Roth, University of California
Dominique Turnbow, University of California

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

There is a growing trend in academic libraries to enlist librarians with instructional design experience to assist with the opportunities and challenges of developing information literacy instruction both in-person and for online environments. In doing so, many institutions look for an individual who has the knowledge and skills to design, develop, and deploy elearning objects while also taking on more traditional public service responsibilities. Recognizing the varied expertise of instructional designers and the various skills associated with the development of eLearning objects such as sound instructional design practices, technology proficiencies, creativity and graphic arts, our institution has sought to create a team of instructional design librarians. The result has been the ability to create innovative and effective in-person and online instruction across the organization. Attendees will learn how two instructional design librarians are able to systematically work together to address the instructional design needs of a large university library.

11:45 AM

Trail Guide for New Teachers: Working with Graduate Teaching Practicum Students in First-year Writing

Sara M. Whitver, The University of Alabama

11:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Come hear how one instruction coordinator librarian used the writing across the disciplines tradition to move beyond inviting new writing teachers to participate in one-shot library instruction to developing deep and lasting teaching collaborations. By assigning reading homework and conducting freewriting exercises during visits to the practicum class, librarians can engage new teachers in critically examining the crossover between writing and information literacy during their first-year as writing instructors. By assuming this role of co-educator, librarians have the opportunity to help first-time writing teachers develop collaborative relationships with librarians early in their teaching experience in order to lay the groundwork for sustained partnerships in teaching writing and information literacy. New teachers who are embarking on their career appreciate the support of a librarian and typically develop close, sustained collaborative relationships with the librarians that they work with which translates to a richer learning environment within first-year writing classes.

1:45 PM

Drab to Fab: Elevated Practices for Active Learning Online

Amanda Roth, University of California, San Diego
Dominique Turnbow, University of California, San Diego

1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

This presentation will illustrate how two instructional design librarians tackled teaching the drab topic of plagiarism and elevated it to a fabulous online tutorial. Participants will gain insight into the techniques used to move online instruction from clicking an arrow to get to the next screen and multiple choices quizzes to an enhanced active learning experience that challenges pre-existing thought and builds knew knowledge and skills. Learn how instructional design practices, storyboards, proof of concepts, and technology combine to elevate the online learning experience by giving learners the opportunity to interact with tutorial content through the use of "You Try" activities that incorporate drag and drop exercises, animated video, sequencing activities and more. The presenters will also discuss how this online tutorial is being used to enhance course curriculum by integrating it into the platforms that faculty are using, from static web pages to course management systems.

1:45 PM

Engaging with Empathy: Mapping the Path to Insightful Instruction

Kimberly Miller, Towson University

1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Empathy, or cultivating a shared understanding and experience with others, has emerged as a central component of communication, collaboration, and problem solving - skills all librarians rely on to craft successful instruction experiences for students, negotiate teaching relationships with faculty members, and cooperate with colleagues to create cohesive and effective instruction programs. In this session, attendees will explore a creative approach to developing an empathetic perspective as part of their professional teaching identity. After a brief introduction to the history and importance of empathy as a concept, attendees will practice using the User Experience (UX) method of "Empathy Mapping" as a tool to develop empathy in their instruction practice. This is a hands-on session, so come prepared to map a path to insightful instruction!

1:45 PM

Extending the Arc of Learning: Infusing Information Literacy Throughout Students' Academic Careers

Anne Diekema, Southern Utah University
Caitlin Gerrity, Southern Utah University
Phil Roche, Southern Utah University

1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education describes information literacy as "extending the arc of learning throughout students' academic careers and as converging with other academic and social learning goals" (ACRL, 2015). Ensuring that information literacy supports learning throughout a student's academic career and beyond is difficult to achieve by only embedding information literacy instruction in early general education courses such as freshmen-level composition and providing the occasional one-shot instruction session. In this panel discussion we will explore what information literacy instruction might look like when thoroughly integrated throughout the curriculum as part of gateway courses that are required for entry into a major and senior capstone courses in the different disciplines. How can we best familiarize students with the information ecosystem and knowledge practices specific to their future professions? What are ways in which we can teach students to effectively use information for learning in their fields of interest and for individual growth?

1:45 PM

Like peanut butter and chocolate: Problem-based learning and the ACRL Framework in medical education

Rachel Vukas, University of Kansas Medical Center
Heather Collins
Thomas Yankee

1:45 PM - 2:15 PM

Problem-based learning (PBL) offers a rich context for teaching using the Framework. This pairing requires planning in order to interprofessionally infuse faculty knowledge content with information literacy expertise. Explore the foundations of PBLs and a method to directly teach practical and efficient research strategies while also addressing evaluative critical thinking processes.

1:45 PM

Teaching or Tyranny: Class and Course Guides

Nancy W. Noe, Auburn University Main Campus

1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

The adoption of LibGuides by numerous Libraries has given rise to the creation of a multitude of class or course guides within the system. Librarians have become enamored of such pages and spend hours developing pages for a number of classes. Many of these guides are then used in actual library instruction, or embedded into learning and course management systems as substitutes for face-to-face sessions. Upon examination, however, the vast majority of these class and course guides simply replicate a version of subject guides. Do these pre-determined lists of databases and ready-made widgets really offer students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and information literacy skills? How do these pages allow for assessment outside of counting the number of clicks? This program will present current research and evidence, offer suggestions for improving class and course guides, and challenge attendees to apply the Framework when creating class pages.

3:00 PM

Building a Learning Centered Classroom

Emily Swanson, Westminster College

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

The Westminster College Library classroom was designed in 1997. On the original building plans, it was called the "computer classroom"; representative of the bibliographic, lecture-based instruction of the time. In 2014, we applied for and were rewarded a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Utah State Library Division, Department of Heritage and Arts, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services to re-design the classroom. Our goal was to make a learning-centered classroom. We removed PCs to accommodate student's personal laptops. We added displays and used technology that allows us to un-tether from the podium computer. We bought modular tables that encourage group work and class discussions. We were collaborative in the redesign process. We worked with IT, we surveyed students, and we partnered with an environmental psychology class to assess the design. I will discuss: the process, the learning centered design, and the changes to our instruction.

3:00 PM

Critical Foundations: Intersections Between Critical Librarianship and First Year-Experience

Jessica Critten, University of West Geogia
Nicole Pagowsky, University of Arizona
Dani Rowland, University of Washington
Kevin Seeber, University of Colorado, Denver

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Discussions of critical librarianship have been taking place for over a decade, and recent developments such as #critlib show the continued influence of critical theory on librarianship. At the same time, however, many librarians have found it difficult to incorporate these ideas into their work. To that end, this panel explores why and how critical information literacy (CIL) intersects with the First-Year Experience (FYE). Presenters from four different campuses will address past successes and missteps in this area, as well as outline their future plans for elevating how librarians approach FYE. The discussion will also take the form of a #critlib chat, so audience participation is welcomed and strongly encouraged from conference participants, as well as those colleagues who might not have been able to make the trip to Salt Lake City.

3:00 PM

Scale up your instruction by sharing your resources: Deploy Wordpress as a learning object repository

Lindsay O'Neill, California State University, Fullerton

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Librarians develop a tremendous amount of instructional materials when they prep for teaching and are often happy to share. If pooled, librarians’ existing materials could scale up an instruction program by saving prep time and eliminating redundant development efforts. Using the easy-to-learn platform Wordpress, I implemented a simple repository to facilitate storing, sharing, and discovery of instructional materials at my library. As a result, librarians reuse and adapt their colleagues’ work and are able to make their own digital learning objects accessible. This repository is expandable to issue badges and function to as a simple Learning Management System.

3:00 PM

The Road Untravelled: Alternative Outreach for Instruction

Carrie Moran, University of Central Florida
Rachel Mulvihill, University of Central Florida Libraries

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Information Literacy and Outreach (ILO) department at the University of Central Florida has gone beyond the traditional outreach model to also target specific on-campus partners who work with faculty and students. These partnerships have fostered many opportunities for librarians to teach in online and face-to-face classes. This lightning-round style session will discuss the various projects and instruction opportunities that have resulted from our alternative outreach methods. The 45 minute session will be broken into 3-5 minute descriptions and demonstrations of the various projects, and will include information on how we have evaluated and modified these partnerships over time. Attendees will be able to map out potential outreach targets, develop strategies to gain useful information about partners, identify mutually beneficial projects, and create an action plan that distributes the workload amongst their library team.

3:00 PM

Undergraduates Crossing the Threshold: Assessing Library Interns using the Framework

Carly Marino, Humboldt State University
Sarah Fay Phillips, Humboldt State University

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

As librarians and educators we are committed to student learning as our highest goal. To be prepared for a competitive job market, undergraduate students benefit from the opportunity to produce work that is available and impactful to a global audience. Internships in libraries provide students an opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers and learn from multiple points of view. Using an internship program in Humboldt State University Library's Special Collections as a case study, we will explain how students construct meaning and knowledge as they create digital exhibits using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. By engaging interns in the process of metaliteracy the presenters are able to observe how the students demonstrate their understanding and thoughtfully apply their new knowledge, skills and habits of mind in the context of the internship.

3:30 PM

OER and Digital Composition: An Instructor and Librarian's Perspective on Student Engagement and Faculty Support

Cayce Van Horn, Auburn University Libraries

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a unique opportunity to break cost barriers and engage e-learning students with relevant, freely available texts. As both an English instructor and an instruction librarian, I have drawn upon my combined experiences in e-learning, information literacy instruction, and English education to evaluate available OER, select the most engaging materials, and build a composition course that challenges students to question the open education movement. Learn how libraries can support innovative technologies, enhance online learning, and foster the adoption of OER by locating relevant, engaging, accessible materials and supporting faculty involvement with freely available resources.