Document Type


Publication Date

January 1986


Organization of Prepared Material: This overview presents the water resources research program administered through the Utah Water Research Laboratory and the Utah Center for Water Resources Reserach. The document is prepared for an internal review by a faculty team organized by the Administration of Utah State university and an external review by a team organized by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of a national effort to evaluate the water research centers in every state over a 2-year period. These materials are prepared to stimulate discussion and spark innocative ideas for building an even stronger program. The UWRL/UCWRR administration sees opportunity in this assessment, welcomes the review teams as friends, and solicits constructive input. The total UWRL/UCWRR program, not counting work in administratively separated but technically associated units, conducts water research exceeding $2.5 million annually spread over about 100 projects in 10 program areas and involving about 300 people from the Director to undergraduate students hired on an hourly basis. This short overview gives highlights. Additional information on organization and goals is found in the Draft UWRL Mission Statement, on current activies in the most recent Annual Report, and on theoretical and applied contributions in numerous publications ranging from theoretical journals to popular brochures. All are open to those interested in probing. The review and evaluation cover both UWRL and UCWRR. However, whereas the two units are operated as a whole and the smaller UCWRR program provides a more manageable focus within the space and time constraints on this review, the UCWRR projects are emphasized in the research descriptions to follow. They provide a microcosm of the total not unlike other components that could be considered. The attached supporting materials provide: 1. Summary statements on goals, organization, people, facilities, and accomplishments, organized in response to the outline provided for the U.S. Geological Survey program review and including supporting table son research budgets, funding agencies, and personnel. 2. A draft UWRL Mission Statement prepared as a research program planning document and organized to address issues raised by the USU Provost. 3. A proposal to build a center of excellence integrating expertise campus wide in expanding the water sciences as an example of a new research thrust. 4. Short reports on accomplishments by research projects since the UCWRR program came under USGS sponsorship. 5. Historical highlights. 6. Supplemental background materials: a) Annual Report 1985 of the Utah Water Research Laboratory, Center for Water Resources Research, Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering, and Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit. b) Utah State University Bulletic 1984-86 Catalog and Utah State University Bulletin 1985-1987 Graduate Catalog. c) Water Resources Research Goals and Objectives for FY 1982 (UWRL General Series UWRL/G-81/01). d) Brochures (USU In Fact 1986, 1978-85 Utah Water Research Laboratory Publications, Solving Today's Water Problems Through Research and Development, Solving Problems in Water Quality, Solving Problems in Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Soil Erosion)
