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Water Resources Planning Series

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As drought conditions in 1976 and 1977 became increasingly severe throughout the west and affected many other parts of the country, many states began special drought information dissemination efforts. This study was organized to provide for the exchange of information among the respective states a forum that could reduce duplication among independent efforts. The project collected information. on: A) Water-user conservation practices, 1) domestic use, a) inside use, b) outside use, 2) industrial, 3) commercial, and 4) irrigation; B) Water-supplier management practices, 1) water conservation Inducements, 2) emergency supply augmentation, a) groundwater mining, b) water harvesting, c) water reuse, 8) reallocation among uses or users; C) Dealing with special drought problems, 1) livestock and range management, 2) effects on fish and wildlife, 3) fire danger, 4) effects on recreation, 5) energy effects (reduced generation and additional use), 6) effects of resulting changes in water quality including salinity, and 7) wind erosion. Types of information included: 1) research results contributing to dealing more effectively with emergency drought situations, 2) research currently underway, 3) brochures or other material prepared for public distribution, 4) reports of extension agents or other technical personnel working with the public to solve drought problems, and 5) user or expert statements recommending supplementing or revising any of the above. Lists that eventually covered 667 abstracted items were distributed to 1,717 subscribers, and 785 orders requested information directly from the program, and many other requests went directly to the authors. This report contains all the abstracts and a synthesis of the information obtained on each topic. The response to the program is measured in terms of numbers of items provided and requested by type and topic and discussed in the context of interviews with a number of Utah water officials.


Publication made available electronically April 27, 2012.
