Document Type


Publication Date

January 1996


This report descibes a municipal water demand forecasting model for use in areas of mixed rural and urban housing types. A series of residential demand functions were derived which forecast water demand based on the ype and density of housing and season. Micro sampling techniques were used to correlate water use data and explanatory variable data for low, medium, and high density housing. The demand functions were incorporated into a geographic information system (GIS) platform cosisting of a desk-top mapping program, MapInfo, coupled with a user interface program written in Visual Basic. The GIS-based model analyzes water demand at the census block level and aggregates the block level demands to a total city residential water demand. Averaged values of explanatory variables for each block are derived using the spacial relations of the block to map objects which have as attributes the various explanatory variable data. The model was applied to each of 23 community water systems in Cache County, Utah. The model projects future demands to the year 2020 based upon the individual community growth rate estimates produced by the Utah state demographers. In addition to projecting future demands, the model includes a supply allocation module which matches each systme's demand with individual water supply sources.
