Document Type


Publication Date

January 1979


Introduction: The U.S. Bureas of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureasu has conducted a water qualtiy investigation, in cooperations with the UWRL, of the stream segments that will be affected by each project. The data collected in this study were used to evaluate the water quality of each stream segment with respect to various beneficial uses of water (agriculture, raw municipal water supply, protection of the aquatic biota) and will provide a baseline by which to assess the impact of each project. In addition, these data will be used in the process of site location, design and oeprations planning for reservoirs and other project features. This report includes only the results of the water quality study of McElmo Creek, associated with the McElmost Project. Water quality data were collected during the period from May, 1977 through June, 1978. One sample was collected and analyzed during each month of the study except during June, 1977, in which two samples were collected from some sites. The concentration of 49 water qualtiy constituents was determined for each sample received at the UWRL.
