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Energy Estimation of ElectronsProducing Sprite Halos Using Array Photometer Data, R. Miyasato, H. Fukunishi, Y. Takahashi, and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Zonal Drifts Over the Tropical Region: a Study of OI 630 nmEmission All-sky Images, A. A. Pimenta, J. A. Bittencourt, P. R. Fagundes, Y. Sahai, R. A. Buruti, H. Takahashi, and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Statistical Analysis of Space-time Relationships Between Sprites and Lightning, F. T. Sao Sabbas, D. D. Sentman, E. M. Wescott, O. Pinto Jr., O. Mendes Jr., and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
A Multi-diagnostic Investigation of Mesospheric Bore Phenomenon, S. M. Smith, Michael J. Taylor, G. R. Swenson, C. Y. She, W. Hocking, J. Baumgardner, and M. Mendillo; Journal of Geophysical Research
Searching For Effects of STS Launches on North America NLC Occurrence and Extent. Contributions to the 2nd Mesospheric Cloud Meeting, Galway, Ireland., Michael J. Taylor, K. Nielsen, and M. Zalcik; Royal Astronomical Society
New Two-station Color Video Observations of Noctilucent Clouds From South-western Finland. Contributions to the 2nd Mesospheric Cloud Meeting, Galway, Ireland., Michael J. Taylor, P. Parviainen, and D. R. Hatch; Royal Astronomical Society
Buoyancy and Buoyancy Waves: Optical Observations, Michael J. Taylor and W. R. Pendelton Jr.; Academic Press
Atmospheric Wind Effects on the Gravity Wave Propagation Observed at 22.7° S – Brazil, C. M. Wrasse, T. Nakamura, T. Tsuda, H. Takahashi, D. Gobbi, A. F. Medeiros, and Michael J. Taylor; Advances in Space Research
Ionospheric Irregularity Zonal VelocitiesOver Cachoeira-Paulista, E. R. de Paula, I. J. Kantor, J. H.A. Sobral, H. Takahashi, D. C. Santana, D. Gobbi, A. F. Medeiros, L. A.T. Limiro, H. Kil, P. M. Kintner, and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Statistical Characteristics ofSprite Halo Events Using Coincident Photometric and Imaging Data, R. Miyasato, Michael J. Taylor, H. Fukunishi, Y. Takahashi, and H. Nielsen; Geophysical Research Letters
The Impact of L-uncoupling on Einstein Coefficients forthe OH Meinel (6,2) Band: Implications For Q-branch Rotational Temperatures, W. R. Pendleton Jr. and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Climatology Over Brazil Based on 22Years (1977-1998) of 630 nm Airglow Observations, J. H.A. Sobral, M. A. Abdu, H. Takahashi, Michael J. Taylor, E. R. de Paula, C. J. Zamlutti, M. G. de Aquino, and G. L. Borba; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
A Search For Mesospheric Clouds at Unusually Low Latitudes, Contributions to the Mesospheric Cloud Meeting, Perth, Scotland, U.K., Michael J. Taylor; Royal Astronomical Society
Mesospheric Cloud Observationsat Unusually Low Latitudes, Michael J. Taylor, M. Gadsden, R. P. Lowe, M. S. Zalcik, and J. Brausch; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Visual and Lidar Observations ofNoctilucent Clouds Above Logan, Utah, at 41.7°N, Vincent B. Wickwar, Michael J. Taylor, Joshua P. Herron, and B. A. Martineau; Journal of Geophysical Research
MultipleWavelength Optical Observations of a Long-lived Meteor Trail, B. R. Clemesha, A. F. Medeiros, D. Gobbi, H. Takahashi, P. P. Batista, and Michael J. Taylor; Geophysical Research Letters
Mesospheric Planetary Waves atNorthern Hemisphere Fall Equinox, H. L. Liu, R. G. Roble, Michael J. Taylor, and W. R. Pendleton Jr.; Geophysical Research Letters
An Unusual Airglow WaveEvent Observed at Cachoeira Paulista 23°S, A. F. Medeiros, Michael J. Taylor, H. Takahashi, P. P. Batista, and D. Gobbi; Advances in Space Research
Effects of a Large Mesospheric Temperature Enhancement on the Hydroxyl Rotational Temperature as Observedfrom the Ground, S. M.L. Melo, R. P. Lowe, W. R. Pendleton Jr., Michael J. Taylor, B. Williams, and C. Y. She; Journal of Geophysical Research
Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Zonal Drift: a Methodology Using 630 nm All-skyImaging Systems, A. A. Pimenta, P. R. Fagundes, J. A. Bittencourt, Y. Sahai, D. Gobbi, A. F. Medeiros, Michael J. Taylor, and H. Takahashi; Advances in Space Research
Optical Studies of the IonosphericIrregularities Over the Brazilian Region by Nocturnal Images of the OI 630 nm Emission, D. C. Santana, J. H.A. Sobral, H. Takahashi, and Michael J. Taylor; Advances in Space Research
Thermospheric F-region TravellingDisturbances Detected at Low Latitude by an OI 630 nm Digital Imager System, J. H.A. Sobral, H. Takahashi, M. A. Abdu, Michael J. Taylor, H. Sawani, D. C. Santana, D. Gobbi, A. F. Medeiros, C. J. Zamlutti, N. J. Schuch, and G. L. Borba; Advances in Space Research
FineStructure of the Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles Observed by the OI 6300 and 5577 Airglow Images, H. Takahashi, Michael J. Taylor, J. H.A. Sobral, A. F. Medeiros, D. Gobbi, and D. C. Santana; Advances in Space Research
Long-period Wave Signatures in Mesospheric OH Meinel (6,2) Band Intensity and Rotational Temperature at Mid-latitudes, Michael J. Taylor, Larry Gardner, and W. R. Pendleton Jr.; Advances in Space Research
Large Amplitude Perturbations in Mesospheric OH Meinel and 87-km Na Lidar Temperatures Around the Autumnal Equinox, Michael J. Taylor, W. R. Pendleton Jr., H. L. Liu, C. Y. She, Larry Gardner, R. G. Roble, and V. Vasoli; Geophysical Research Letters
Preliminary Data on Variations ofOH Airglow During the Leonid 1999 Meteor Storm, J. Kristl, M. Esplin, T. Hudson, Michael J. Taylor, and C. L. Siefring; Earth, Moon and Planets
Comparison of 1998 and1999 Leonid Light Curve Morphology and Meteoroid Structure, I. S. Murray, M. Beach, Michael J. Taylor, P. Jenniskens, and R. L. Hawkes; Earth, Moon and Planets
Observing Gravity Wave Activity in the Mesopause Region by Means of Airglow Tomography, T. Nygren, Michael J. Taylor, G. R. Swenson, and M. S. Lehtinen; Advances in Space Research
Terdiurnal Oscillations in OH Meinel Rotational Temperatures for Fall Conditions at Northern Mid-latitude Sites, W. R. Pendleton Jr., Michael J. Taylor, and Larry Gardner; Geophysical Research Letters
Meteor Trails and Columniform Sprites, E. M.D. Symbalisty, R. A. Ruossel-Dupre, D. O. ReVelle, D. M. Suszcynsky, V. A. Yukhimuk, and Michael J. Taylor; Icarus
Jet-like Structures and Wake in Mg I (518nm) Images of 1999 Leonid Storm Meteors, Michael J. Taylor, Larry Gardner, I. S. Murray, and P. Jenniskens; Earth, Moon and Planets
Criteria for Elves and Sprites on Schumann Resonance Observations, E. W. Huang, E. R. Williams, R. Boldi, S. Heckman, W. Lyons, Michael J. Taylor, C. Wong, and T. Nelson; Journal of Geophysical Research
Video and Photometric Observations of a Sprite in Coincidence with a Meteor-triggered Jet Event, D. M. Suszcynsky, R. Strabley, R. Roussel-Dupre, E. M.D. Symbalisty, R. A. Armstrong, W. A. Lyons, and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Geophysical Research
Comparison of Terdiurnal Tidaloscillations in Mesospheric OH Rotational Temperature and Na Lidar Temperature Measurementsat Mid-latitudes, Michael J. Taylor, W. R. Pendleton Jr., C. S. Gardner, and R. J. States; Earth, Planets and Space
Photometric Measurements in the SPRITES’95 & 96 Campaign Nitrogen Second Positive (399.0 nm) and First Negative (427.8 nm) Emission, R. A. Armstrong, J. A. Shorter, Michael J. Taylor, D. M. Suszcynsky, W. A. Lyons, and L. Jeong; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Observational Limits for Lidar, Radar and Airglow Imager Measurements of Gravity Wave Parameters, C. S. Gardner and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Geophysical Research
Full-wave Modeling of Small-scale Gravity Waves Using Airborne Lidar and Observations of the Hawaiian Airglow (ALOHA-93) O(1S) Images & Coincident Na Wind/Temperature Lidar Measurements, M. P. Hickey, Michael J. Taylor, C. S. Gardner, and C. R. Gibbons; Journal of Geophysical Research
Application of Tomographic Inversion in Studying Airglow in the Mesopause Region, T. Nygren, Michael J. Taylor, M. S. Lehtinen, and M. Markkanen; Annales Geophysicae
Dynamic and Chemical Aspects of the Mesospheric Na ‘Wall’ Event on 9 October 1993 During the ALOHA Campaign, G. R. Swenson, J. Qian, J. M.C. Plane, P. J. Espy, Michael J. Taylor, D. N. Turnbull, and R. P. Lowe; Journal of Geophysical Research
Possible Evidence of Gravity Wave Coupling into the Mid-latitude F Region Ionosphere During the SEEK Campaign, Michael J. Taylor, J. M. Jahn, S. Fukao, and A. Saito; Geophysical Research Letters
Long Base-line Measurements of Short Period Mesospheric Gravity Waves During the SEEK Campaign, Michael J. Taylor, S. H. Seo, T. Nakamura, T. Tsuda, H. Fukunishi, and Y. Takahashi; Geophysical Research Letters
Two-dimensional Spectral Analysis of Mesospheric Airglow Image Data, F. J. Garcia, Michael J. Taylor, and M. C. Kelley; Applied Optics
Numerical Simulations of Gravity Waves Imaged Over Arecibo During the 10-Day January 1993 Campaign, M. P. Hickey, R. L. Walterscheid, Michael J. Taylor, W. Ward, G. Schubert, Q. Zhou, F. Garcia, M. C. Kelley, and G. G. Shepherd; Journal of Geophysical Research
Observational Evidence of Wave Ducting and Evanescence in the Mesosphere, J. R. Isler, Michael J. Taylor, and D. C. Fritts; Journal of Geophysical Research
Gravity Waves and Vertical Diffusion in the Lower Thermosphere from 557.7 nm Airglow, U. B. Makhlouf, R. H. Picard, Michael J. Taylor, and J. R. Winick; Advances in Space Research
A Review of Advances in Imaging Techniques for Measuring Short Period Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, Michael J. Taylor; Advances in Space Research
High Resolution OI (630 nm) Image Measurements of Fregion Depletion Drifts During the Guara Campaign, Michael J. Taylor, J. LaBelle, and J. A.H. Sobral; Geophysical Research Letters
Image Measurements of Short Period Gravity Waves at Equatorial Latitudes, Michael J. Taylor, W. R. Pendleton Jr., S. Clark, H. Takahashi, D. Gobbi, and R. A. Goldberg; Journal of Geophysical Research
Maximum Penetration of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Observed During ALOHA-93, G. R. Swenson, C. S. Gardner, and Michael J. Taylor; Geophysical Research Letters
ALOHA-93 Measurements of Intrinsic AGW Characteristics Using the Airborne Airglow Imager and Groundbased Na Wind/Temperature Lidar, G. R. Swenson, Michael J. Taylor, P. Espy, C. S. Gardner, and X. Tao; Geophysical Research Letters
All-sky Measurements of Short Period Waves Imaged in the OI (557.7 nm), Na(589.2 nm) and Near Infrared OH and O2(0,1) Nightglow Emissions During the ALOHA-93 Campaign, Michael J. Taylor, M. B. Bishop, and V. Taylor; Geophysical Research Letters
Determination of Horizontal and Vertical Structure of a Novel Pattern of Short Period Gravity Waves Imaged During ALOHA-93, Michael J. Taylor, D. C. Fritts, and J. R. Isler; Geophysical Research Letters
A Two-dimensional Spectral Analysis of Short Period Gravity Waves Imaged in the OI (557.7 nm) and Near Infrared OH Nightglow Emissions Over Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Michael J. Taylor and F. J. Garcia; Geophysical Research Letters
An Investigation of Intrinsic Gravity Wave Signatures Using Coordinated Lidar and Nightglow Image Measurements, Michael J. Taylor, Y. Y. Gu, X. Tao, C. S. Gardner, and M. B. Bishop; Geophysical Research Letters
Hydroxyl Temperature and Intensity Measurements During Noctilucent Cloud Displays, Michael J. Taylor, R. P. Lowe, and D. J. Baker; Annales Geophysicae
Height Measurements of OI (557.7 nm) Gravity Wave Structure Over the Hawaiian Islands During ALOHA-93, Michael J. Taylor, G. R. Swenson, and V. Taylor; Geophysical Research Letters
An Investigation of Thunderstorms as a Source of ShortPeriod Mesospheric Gravity Waves, Michael J. Taylor, V. Taylor, and R. Edwards; AGU Geophysical Monograph
Spectrometric and Imaging Measurements of a Spectacular Gravity Wave Event Observed During the ALOHA-93 Campaign, Michael J. Taylor, D. N. Turnbull, and R. P. Lowe; Geophysical Research Letters
Anweisungen fur die Photographischen Aufnahmen der Leuchtenden Nachtwolken - 103 years on, M. Gadsden and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
Measurements of Noctilucent Cloud Heights: a Bench Mark for Changes in the Mesosphere, M. Gadsden and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
Evidence of Preferential Directions for Gravity Wave Propagation Due to Wind Filtering in the Middle Atmosphere, Michael J. Taylor, E. H. Ryan, T. F. Tuan, and R. Edwards; Journal of Geophysical Research
Observations of Short Period Mesospheric Wave Patterns: In Situ or Tropospheric Wave Generation, Michael J. Taylor and R. Edwards; Geophysical Research Letters
Simultaneous Temperature, Intensity and Imaging Measurements of Short Period Wave Structure in the OH Nightglow Emission, Michael J. Taylor, P. J. Espy, D. J. Baker, R. J. Sica, P. C. Neal, and W. R. Pendleton Jr.; Planetary and Space Science
Near-infrared Imaging of Hydroxyl Wave Structure Over an Ocean Site at Low Latitudes, Michael J. Taylor and M. J. Hill; Geophysical Research Letters
Coincident Imaging and Spectrometric Observations of Zenith OH Nightglow Structure, Michael J. Taylor, D. N. Turnbull, and R. P. Lowe; Geophysical Research Letters
The Magnetic and Optical Signature of a Pg Pulsation, G. Chisham, D. Orr, Michael J. Taylor, and H. Luhr; Planetary and Space Science
On the Origin of Ripple-type Wave Structure in the OH Nightglow Emission, Michael J. Taylor and M. A. Hapgood; Planetary and Space Science
Pulsating Auroral Forms and Their Association with Geomagnetic Giant Pulsations, Michael J. Taylor, G. Chisham, and D. Orr; Planetary and Space Science
Gravity Wave Studies at Polar Latitudes, Michael J. Taylor and K. Henriksen; Electromagnetic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps
On the Association of the OH Nightglow Emission with Noctilucent Clouds, Michael J. Taylor, R. P. Lowe, D. J. Baker, and J. Ulwick; Collection of Works of the International Workshop of Noctilucent Clouds
Simultaneous Observations of Noctilucent Clouds and Polar Mesospheric Radar Echoes: Evidence of Noncorrelation, Michael J. Taylor, A. P. van Eyken, H. Rishbeth, G. Witt, and M. A. Clilverd; Planetary and Space Science
Identification of a Thunderstorm as a Source of Short Period Gravity Waves in the Upper Atmospheric Nightglow Emissions, Michael J. Taylor and M. A. Hapgood; Planetary and Space Science
Observations of Gravity Wave Propagation in the OI (557.7 nm), Na (589.2 nm) and the Near Infra-red OH Nightglow Emissions, Michael J. Taylor, M. A. Hapgood, and P. Rothwell; Planetary and Space Science
TV Observations of Mesospheric Wave Structure, Michael J. Taylor; Collections of the Works of the International Workshop of Noctilucent Clouds
The Effect of Atmospheric Screening on the Visible Border of Noctilucent Clouds, Michael J. Taylor, M. A. Hapgood, and D. A.R. Simmons; Journal of Astmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
Analysis of Airglow Image Data, M. A. Hapgood and Michael J. Taylor; Annales Geophysicae
A Wide Field, Low Light TV System to Measure the State of Polarization of Light, Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments
Detection of Circularly Polarized Light from Noctilucent Clouds, M. Gadsden, P. Rothwell, and Michael J. Taylor; Nature
ASSESS 2- A Simulated Mission of Spacelab, J. Crawford, P. Rothwell, and Michael J. Taylor; Nature