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Large‐Amplitude Mountain Waves in the Mesosphere Observed on 21 June 2014 During DEEPWAVE: 1.Wave Development, Scales, Momentum Fluxes, and Environmental Sensitivity, Michael J. Taylor, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, David C. Fritts, Bernd Kaifler, Steven M. Smith, Yucheng Zhao, Neal R. Criddle, Pattilyn McLaughlin, William R. Pendleton Jr., Michael P. McCarthy, Gonzalo Hernandez, Stephen D. Eckermann, James Doyle, Markus Rapp, Ben Liley, and James M. Russell III; Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres



Observations of mesospheric gravity waves over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Michael Taylor, and Yucheng Zhao


Satellite measurements of mesospheric gravity wave temperature variances over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Michael Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, and James M. Russell III; 2015 CEDAR Workshop, University of Washington



Observations of Mesospheric Gravity Wave Dynamics in the Southern Hemisphere, Jonathan Pugmire and Michael Taylor


New measurements of McMurdo gravity wave parameters, Jonathan Pugmire and Michael J. Taylor; 2nd International ANGWIN Workshop: High-Latitude Wave Dynamics and Coupling


TIMED/SABER satellite investigations of mesospheric gravity wave variances over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Michael J. Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, Dominique Pautet, and James Russell; Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the APS


Initial Measurements of Mesospheric Gravity Waves over McMurdo, Antarctica, Jonathan Pugmire, Michael J. Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, and P.Dominique Pautet; 2014 CEDAR Workshop



Investigating Mesospheric Gravity Wave Dynamics and Temperature Variability over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire and Michael J. Taylor


Observations of Mesospheric Temperature Variability Over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Michael J. Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, P. D. Paudet, and James M. Russell; CEDAR Workshop; Boulder, CO; 2013


Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements of Mesospheric Temperature Variability Over Cerro Pachon, Chile (30.3° S), Jonathan Pugmire, Michael J. Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, P. D. Pautet, and J. M. Russell; APS Four Corners Conference; Denver, CO; 2013



Mesospheric Temperature Variability and Seasonal Characteristics Over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Yucheng Zhao, Michael J. Taylor, and P D. Pautet; 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop, Santa Fe, NM



First Year Investigation of Gravity Waves and Temperature Variability over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Neal R. Criddle, Michael J. Taylor, Dominique Pautet, and Yucheng Zhao; NSF's Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute's School on the Dynamics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere


The First Ten Months of Investigation of Gravity Waves and Temperature Variability Over the Andes, Jonathan Pugmire, Neal Criddle, Michael J. Taylor, P. D. Pautet, and Yucheng Zhao; Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the APS



Intra-Annual Comparison of Mesospheric Gravity Waves Over Halley and Rothera Stations, Antarctica, Jonathan Pugmire, Michael J. Taylor, K. Nielsen, A. Wall, J. Thompson, and P. D. Pautet; Four Corners Section of the APS: Annual Meeting