Water-Wise Plant Recognition Program
Document Type
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Journal of Extension
Publication Date
A cooperative program to recognize water-wise plants for the Utah landscapes was developed by 10 horticulture and water organizations. Representatives from the organizations developed a plant list of species that were attractive in the landscape, water conserving, adapted to the climate, and available in the industry. A yellow tag with "water- wise plant" outlined by the state of Utah identified the plants. A survey conducted at the end of the first season gave favorable results. The Water-Wise Plant Tagging Program is a model of how universities, governmental agencies, and private businesses can work together to accomplish a common goal.
Recommended Citation
Heflebower, R., T. Cerny-Koenig, M. Waters, and R. Ward. “Water-Wise Plant Recognition Program”. Journal of Extension. 43(February 2005). http://www.joe.org/joe/2005february/iw5.shtml