Aspen Bibliography
Estimates of digestibility of birch, willow, and aspen mixtures in moose
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Journal of Wildlife Management
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Four feeding trials were conducted during winter with captive moose (Alces alces) at the M Research Center, Soldotna, Alaska. Our objectives were to estimate intake and digestibility of (1) a mixed diet of 70% paper birch (Betula papyrifera), 20% aspen (Populus tremuloides), and 10% willow (Salix spp.); (2) a mixed diet of 30% aspen and 70% pelleted ration; and (3) a mixed diet containing equal portions of paper birch, willow, and aspen browse. Moose would not consume the mixed diet that contained 70% birch, and the trial was terminated after 1 week. Dry matter intake (DMI) of the aspen and pelleted ration was 52.4 ± 12.5 (SD) g/kg body weight (BW)0.75/day. The estimate of dry matter digestion (DMD) for aspen was 40.9 ± 8.5%. Dry matter intake and DMD for the mixed-browse diets ranged from 25.4 to 38.6 g/kg BW0.7/day, and 31.1 to 38.6%, respectively. Digestible and metabolizable energy represented 37.0 and 27.8% of gross energy intake, respectively. Energy intake was below levels required for winter maintenance.
Recommended Citation
Schwartz, C. C.; Regelin, W. L.; Franzmann, A. W. 1988. Estimates of digestibility of birch, willow, and aspen mixtures in moose. Journal of Wildlife Management. 52 (1): 33-37.