Aspen Bibliography
Genetic variation in trembling aspen in Ontario based on isozyme studies
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Canadian Journal of Forest Research
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Isoenzyme studies were conducted on root tips of 200 Populustremuloides clones selected from eight geographic regions (populations) along north–south and east–west transects in Ontario. Starch gel electrophoresis was used to assay crude enzyme extracts from young root rips of rooted suckers obtained from the clones sampled. A total of 15 isozyme loci coding for eight different enzyme systems were resolved. The mean of total gene diversity was 0.252. An average of 79% of the loci were polymorphic in any one population, with an average of 2.7 alleles per locus. More than 90% of the genetic variability could be attributed to within-population differentiation. A deficiency of observed heterozygotes was calculated for all populations studied. The fixation index averaged 0.462. The genetic distance estimates among populations had an overall mean of 0.103. There was no correlation between genetic and geographic distances. Results of this study suggest this species in its Ontario range is genetically variable and moderately differentiated.
Recommended Citation
Hyun, J. O.; Rajora, O. P. Zsuffa, L. 1987. Genetic variation in trembling aspen in Ontario based on isozyme studies. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17 (9): 1134-1138.