Aspen Bibliography
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Contribution to Book
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Silvics of forest trees in the United States
Agriculture Handbook No. 271
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Quaking aspen in the most widely distributed tree species in North America (66, 78);2/ it has a transcontinental range which covers more than 110 degrees of longitude and 40 degrees of latitude. Other common names include quaking asp, aspen, golden aspen, mountain aspen, trembling aspen, Vancouver aspen, poplar, trembling poplar, and popple (44). The terms "quaking" and "trembling" come from the fact that the leaves tremble in the slightest breeze because the leaf petiole is flattened at right angles to the leaf blade. The term "golden" refers to the brilliant gold and yellow of the foliage in the autumn.
Recommended Citation
Strothmann, R.O. 1965. Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides, Michx.). Silvics of forest trees in the United States Agriculture Handbook No. 271:523-534.