Aspen Bibliography
Cytospora canker of poplars: The moisture relations and anatomy of the host
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Canadian Journal of Botany
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A comparison was made between Populus trichocarpa Torr. and Gray, P. × canadensis Moench 'Regenerata', and P. × canadensis 'Robusta Bachelieri' with respect to shoot moisture relations and anatomy. The two hybrid varieties had slower rates of moisture loss and had higher wood moisture contents throughout most of the year than P. trichocarpa. The bark and wood moisture content of the three varieties was lower during dormancy than in the growing season. The upper region of the shoots had lower bark and wood moisture contents than the basal region during dormancy, but the reverse was true in summer. In all varieties, there was a significant positive correlation between wood and bark moisture content. Compared with P. trichocarpa, the two hybrids had larger piths, wider vessels, longer phloem rays, wider sieve tube zones, and thicker periderms; P. 'Robusta' had fewer lenticels. The upper region of the shoots had a wider pith, thicker bark, thinner periderm, and more lenticels than the basal region. The differences in moisture relations and anatomy of the three varieties suggest an explanation for the observed greater resistance to canker disease caused by Cytospora chrysosperma (Pers.) Fr. in the hybrids than in P. trichocarpa.
Recommended Citation
Bloomberg, W.J. 1962. Cytospora canker of poplars: The moisture relations and anatomy of the host. Canadian Journal of Botany 41(10):1281-1292.