Aspen Bibliography
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Shepperd, Wayne D.; Binkley, Dan; Bartos, Dale L.; Stohlgren, Thomas J.; and Eskew, Lane G., compilers.
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Sustaining Aspen in Western Landscapes: Symposium Proceedings
Proceedings RMPS-P-18
USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
First Page
Last Page
Publication Date
We collected nesting data on bird use of aspen stands in the Routt and Medicine Bow National Forests between 1987 and 1989. We found active nest sites of 28 species of small nongame birds on nine study plots in undisturbed aspen forests. We compared logistic regression models predicting nest success (at least one nestling) from nest-site or stand-level habitat predictors. Most common species used nest sites in aspen trees in forest interior locations (distance to edge >100 m), with dense trees (opening >100 m away) despite no apparent positive correlation with use of these habitat features and nest success rates. Further investigation may demonstrate that these forest interior sites do not experience lower predation and cowbird parasitism rates than nest sites near openings. We recommend adaptive management experimental treatments, including carefully planned cutting and controlled burns, that should benefit most birds in western aspen forests.
Recommended Citation
Struempf, H.M. et al. 2001. Predicting nest results from habitat features in aspen forests of the central rocky mountains. Sustaining Aspen in Western Landscapes: Symposium Proceedings, Grand Junction, CO. Rocky Mountain Research Station-P-18. 165-182.