Aspen Bibliography

Document Type



United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 700


U.S. Department of Agriculture

First Page


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Publication Date


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 License
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The relation of climate to the growth and development of vegetation is of profound importance in both practical and experimental agriculture. It is extremely useful to know the cause of successful growth and establishment, or of partial success or failure, of various species in different plant associations and under widely contrasted climatic conditions. The climatic requirements of various plant types are largely responsible for the results obtained in the case of experimental seedings and plantings of most species. Once the adverse climatic factors are definitely known, failures with plants may be largely avoided by the judicious selection of sites or of species especially adapted to withstand the limiting factors. Therefore, a series of experiments was undertaken, (a) to obtain a comparison of the climatic requirements of the main plant types, and (b) to determine, quantitatively, the relation between various environmental factors on the one hand and plant growth and certain other physiological functions on the other. The results obtained appear to be conclusive in most instances and should prove of value both in experimental and in practical agriculture and forestry.
