Aspen Bibliography

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Utah State University

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This preliminary report is the first installment of an ongoing aspen assessment at Bryce Canyon National Park (BCNP). Over a 1.5-year period beginning in 2021, I assembled available BCNP and conducted a preliminary field survey to gain a better understanding of the quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) resource within the Park. Findings suggest a long history of vegetation mapping with mixed results in terms of highlighting aspen presence a notable species of overall low coverage as well as aspen importance, at BCNP. In brief, though this species has limited presence, it is of high biodiversity conservation value. According to a 2002 vegetation map, aspen total approximately 0.13% of the total area of BCNP. Monitoring plots installed in the fall of 2021 broadly confirm an earlier survey that primarily wild ungulate browsing (with notable exceptions of cattle browse along the west boundary) is having a significant impact on successful aspen recruitment. Exceptions include areas on the east side of BCNP ("below the rim") and recently burned areas where ample regeneration seems to be overwhelming browse levels. I recommend a thorough survey of aspen throughout BCNP to gain a more credible assessment of conditions, as well as to develop a park-wide management plan for this important habitat forest type.
