Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Predation Risk and the Functional Response of Elk-Aspen Herbivory, Clifford A. White, Michael C. Felle, and Suzanne Bayley; Forest Ecology and Management


Medium and Long Term Reuse of Trembling Aspen Cavities as Roosts by Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus Fuscus), Craig K.R. Willis, Kristen A. Kolar, Amanda L. Karst, Matina C. Kalcounis-Rueppell, and R. Mark Brigham; Acta Chiropterologica


Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity in four populations of Populus tremuloides in Quebec, Janet Wyman, Anne Bruneau, and M. Francine Tremblay; Canadian Journal of Botany

Genotype-environment Interaction and Stability in Growth of Hybrid Aspen Clones, Qibin Yu and Pertti Pulkkinen; Forest Ecology and Management


Soil nitrogen cycling under elevated CO2: a synthesis of forest face experiments, Donald R. Zak, William E. Holmes, Adrien C. Finzi, Richard J. Norby, and William H. Schlesinger; Ecological Applications



Nest-site Reuse Patterns for a Cavity-Nesting Bird Community in Interior British Columbia, K.E.H. Aitken, K.L. Wiebe, and K. Martin; The Auk


Effects of seasonal and interannual climate variability on net ecosystem productivity of boreal deciduous and conifer forests., M.A. Arain, T.A. Black, A.G. Barr, P.G. Jarvis, J.M. Massheder, D.L. Verseghy, Z. Nesic, M.J. Apps, T. Karjalainen, B.J. Stocks, and C. Shaw; The role of boreal forests and forestry in the global carbon budget


Interactions among fire, aspen, and elk affect insect diversity: Reversal of a community response, Joseph K. Bailey and Thomas G. Whitham; Ecology


Effect of vegetation on the impact of a severe blowdown in the southern Rocky Mountains, USA, W.L. Baker, P.H. Flaherty, J.D. Lindemann, T.T. Veblen, K.S. Eisenhart, and D.W. Kulakowski; Forest Ecology and Management


Variability in Regional Scale Estimates of Carbon Stocks in Boreal Forest Ecosystems: Results From West-Central Alberta, G.E. Banfield, J.S. Bhatti, H. Jiang, and M.J. Apps; Forest Ecology and Management


Estimation of directional division frequencies in vascular cambium and in marginal meristematic cells of plants, P.W. Barlow, P. Brain, and S.J. Powers; Cell Proliferation


A model of the effect of fines content on the strength properties of oriented strand wood composites, D. barnes; Forest Products Journal


Comparing the Carbon Budgets of Boreal and Temperate Deciduous Forest Stands, A.G. Barr, T.J. Griffis, T.A. Black, X. Lee, R.M. Staebler, J.D. Fuentes, Z. Chen, and K. Morgenstern; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


The effects of silvicultural disturbances on the diversity of seed-producing plants in the boreal mixedwood forest, F. Wayne Bell and Steven G. Newmaster; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Litter Quality in a North European Transect Versus Carbon Storage Potential, Bjoern Berg and Vernon Meentemeyer; Plant and Soil


Using Dendrochronology to Reconstruct Disturbance and Forest Dynamics Around Lake Duparquet, Northwestern Quebec, Yves Bergeron, Bernhard Denneler, Danielle Charron, and Martin Philippe Giradin; Dendrochronologia


Natural Fire Regime: A Guide for Sustainable Management of the Canadian Boreal Forest, Yves Bergeron, Alain Leduc, Brian D. Harvey, and Sylvie Gauthier; Silva Fennica


Influence of nutrients, disturbances and site conditions on carbon stocks along a boreal forest transect in central Canada, J.S. Bhatti, M.J. Apps, and H. Jiang; Plant and Soil


Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Central Canada Using Three Different Approaches, J.S. Bhatti, M.J. Apps, and C. Tarnocai; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Mechanical site preparation impacts on soil properties and vegetation communities in the Northwest Territories, Michael D. Bock and Ken CJ Van Rees; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Aboveground and belowground biomass and sapwood area allometric equations for six boreal tree species of northern Manitoba, Lamberty B. Bond, C. Wang, and S.T. Gower; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Leaf area dynamics of a boreal black spruce fire chronosequence, Lamberty B. Bond, C. Wang, S.T. Gower, and J. Norman; Tree Physiology


Bryophyte and lichen communities in mature to old-growth stands in eastern boreal forests of Canada, C. Boudreault, Y. Bergeron, S. Gauthier, and P. Drapeau; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Xyloglucan endotransglycosylases have a function during the formation of secondary cell walls of vascular tissues, V. Bourquin, N. Nishikubo, H. Abe, H. Brumer, S. Denman, M. Eklund, M. Christiernin, T.T. Teeri, B. Sundberg, and E.J. Mellerowicz; Plant Cell


Vascular plant and epiphytic lichen communities in Canadian aspen parkland: determinants of small-scale species richness, H.L. Buckley; Community Ecology


Recruitment and Early Growth of Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus) Regeneration After Partial Cutting and Site Preparation, Darwin Burgess and Suzanne Wetzel; Forestry (London)


Application of geostatistics to characterize leaf area index (LAI) from flux tower to landscape scales using a cyclic sampling design, S.N. Burrows, S.T. Gower, M.K. Clayton, D.S. Mackay, D.E. Ahl, J.M. Norman, and G. Diak; Ecosystems


Effects of soil temperature on parameters of a coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model, Tie Bo Cai and Quing Lai Dang; Tree Physiology


IGBP/GCTE terrestrial transects: Dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems under environmental change, J G. Canadell, W L. Steffen, and P S. White; Journal of Vegetation Science


Gross nitrogen transformations in harvested and mature aspen-conifer mixed forest soils from the Boreal Plain, N. Carmosini, K.J. Devito, and E.E. Prepas; Soil Biology and Biochemistry


Aspen Response to Forest Soils Amended with Municipal and Industrial By-products on Two Northern Minnesota Sites: Experimental Design and Preliminary Results, Molly A. Cavaleri, Daniel W. Gilmore, Morteza Mozaffari, Carl J. Rosen, Thomas R. Halbach, Russell D. Mathison, and Timothy C. O'Brien


Understanding the Role of the Cytoskeleton in Wood Formation in Angiosperm Trees: Hybrid Aspen (Populus Tremulaxp. Tremuloides) as the Model Species, Nigel Chaffey, Peter Barlow, and Bjorn Sundberg; Tree-Physiology


Trembling aspen site index in relation to environmental measures of site quality at two spatial scales, H.Y.H. Chen, P.V. Krestov, and K. Klinka; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Dynamics of North American Boreal Mixedwoods, H.Y.H. Chen and Roman V. Popadiouk; Environmental Reviews


Increasing N and P Resorption Efficiency and Proficiency in Northern Deciduous Hardwoods With Decreasing Foliar N and P Concentrations, Benoit Cote, James W. Fyles, and Hamid Djalivand; Annals-of-Forest-Science


Effects of Management on the Composition and Structure of Northern Hardwood Forests in Upper Michigan, Thomas R. Crow, David S. Buckley, Elizabeth A. Nauertz, and John C. Zasada; Forest Science


Ethanol production at flask and pilot scale from concentrated slurries of steam-exploded aspen, I. De Bari, D. Barisano, M. Cardinale, F. Nanna, F. Zimbardi, G. Cardinale, and B. Braccio; Industrial & engineering chemistry research [ind. Eng. Chem. Res.]


White-tailed deer habitats in the central Black Hills, C.S. Deperno, J.A. Jenks, S.L. Griffin, L.A. Rice, and K.F. Higgins; Journal of Range Management


Coarse and Fine Root Respiration in Aspen (Populus Tremuloides), Annie Desrochers, Simon M. Landhausser, and Victor J. Lieffers; Tree Physiology


Bromus-Poa response to defoliation intensity and frequency under three soil moisture levels, N.T. Donkor, E.W. Bork, and R.J. Hudson; Canadian Journal of Plant Science


Impacts of grazing systems on soil compaction and pasture production in Alberta, N.T. Donkor, J.V. Gedir, R.J. Hudson, E.W. Bork, D.S. Chanasyk, and M.A. Naeth; Canadian Journal of Soil Science


Selectivity by moose vs the spatial distribution of aspen: a natural experiment, Lars Edenius, Göran Ericsson, and Peter Näslund; Ecography


Xanthogenation of lignocarbohydrates by carbon disulfide, M.V. Efanov and L.A. Pershina; Chemistry of Natural Compounds


Daylength and Spatial Expression of a Gibberellin 20-Oxidase Isolated from Hybrid Aspen (Populus Tremula L. x P. Tremuloides Michx.), M.E. Eriksson and T. Moritz; Planta


Tree species effects on stand transpiration in northern Wisconsin, B.E. Ewers, D.S. Mackay, S.T. Gower, D.E. Ahl, S.N. Burrows, and S.S. Samanta; Water-Resources-Research


The 3/4 power law in forest management: how to grow dead trees, S.H. Ferguson and D.J. Archibald; Forest Ecology and Management


Dynamics of springtail and mite populations: the role of density dependence, predation, and weather, Steven H. Ferguson and Damien O. Joy; Ecological Entomology


Natural clonal variation of wood extractives in Populus tremuloides, M.P. Fernandez, C. Breuil, and P.A. Watson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Estimated Rates of Deforestation in Two Boreal Landscapes in Central Saskatchewan, Canada, Michael Fitzsimmons; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Disturbances and structural development of natural forest ecosystems with silvicultural implications, using Douglas-fir forests as an example, J.F. Franklin, T.A. Spies, R. Van Pelt, A.B. Carey, D.A. Thornburgh, D.R. Berg, D.B. Lindenmayer, M.E. Harmon, W.S. Keeton, D.C. Shaw, K. Bible, and J. Chen; Forest Ecology and Management


Soil Nutrition and Temperature as Drivers of Root Suckering in Trembling Aspen, Erin C. Fraser, Victor J. Lieffers, Simon M. Landhausser, and Brent R. Frey; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Natural Variability in Forests of the Grand Canyon, Usa, Peter Z. Fule, W. Wallace Covington, Margaret M. Moore, Thomas A. Heinlien, and Amy E.M. Waltz; Journal of Biogeography


Small isolated aspen stands enrich bird communities in southwestern ponderosa pine forests, Kerry L. Giffis-Kyle and Paul Beler; Biological Conservation


The Effect of Light Availability and Basal Area on Cone Production in Abies Balsamea and Picea Glauca, David F. Greene, Christian Messier, Hugo Asselin, and Marie Josee Fortin; Canadian Journal of Botany


Modelling silvicultural alternatives for conifer regeneration in boreal mixedwood stands (aspen/white spruce/balsam fir), D.F. Greene, D.D. Kneeshaw, C. Messier, V. Lieffers, D. Cormier, R. Doucet, K.D. Coates, A. Groot, G. Grover, and C. Calogeropoulos; Forestry Chronicle


On the cytochemistry of cell wall formation in poplar trees, C. Grunwald, K. Ruel, Y.S. Kim, and U. Schmitt; Plant Biology


Advantages of diffuse radiation for terrestrial ecosystem productivity, L. Gu, D. Baldocchi, S.B. Verma, T.A. Black, T. Vesala, E.M. Falge, and P.R. Dowty; Journal-of-Geophysical-Research-D:-Atmospheres


Accurately ageing trees and examining their height-growth rates: Implications for interpreting forest dynamics, S.L. Gutsell and E.A. Johnson; Journal of Ecology


Interspecific competition for nitrogen between early successional species and planted white spruce and jack pine seedlings, Ryan D. Hangs, J.Diane Knight, and Ken CJ Van Rees; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Differential Substrate Inhibition Couples Kinetically Distinct 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme a Ligases With Spatially Distinct Metabolic Roles in Quaking Aspen, Scott A. Harding, Jacqueline Leshkevich, Vincent L. Chiang, and Chung Jui Tsai; Plant Physiology Rockville


Structure and Composition of Edges Next to Regenerating Clear-Cuts in Mixed-Wood Boreal Forest, Karen A. Harper and S. Ellen MacDonald; Journal of Vegetation Science


Minnesota forest resources in 2000, David E. Haugen and Manfred E. Mielke


Eastern Sierra Riparian Songbird Conservation 2001 Progress Report, Sacha K. Heath, Chris McCreedy, and Grant Ballard


Study of landscape change under forest harvesting and climate warming-induced fire disturbance, H.S. He, D.J. Mladenoff, E.J. Gustafson, and A.C. Dibble; Forest Ecology and Management


Notes on the Nevada Buck Moth, Hemileuca Nevadensis (Saturniidae) in Southern Manitoba, D.C. Henne and J.K. Diehl; Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society


Interactive effects of human activities, herbivory and fire on quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) age structures in western Wyoming, A.E. Hessl and L.J. Graumlich; Journal of Biogeography


Aspen, elk, and fire: the effects of human institutions on ecosystem processes, Amy Hessl; Bioscience


Use by bats of patches of residual trees in logged areas of the boreal forest, L.K. Hogberg, K.J. Patriquin, and R.M.R. Barclay; American Midland Naturalist


White tree rings formed in trembling aspen saplings following experimental defoliation, Edward H. Hogg, M. Hart, and V.J. Lieffers; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Growth and dieback of aspen forests in northwestern Alberta, Canada, in relation to climate and insects, E H. Hogg, James P. Brandt, and B Kochtubajda; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Habitat associations of black-backed and three-toed woodpeckers in the boreal forest of Alberta, J.S. Hoyt and S.J. Hannon; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Potential redistribution of tree species habitat under five climate change scenarios in the eastern US, Louis R. Iverson and Anantha M. Prasad; Forest Ecology and Management


Characterization of water-soluble hemicelluloses from spruce and aspen employing SEC/MALDI mass spectroscopy, A. Jacobs, J. Lindqvist, H. Stalbrand, F. Tjerneld, and O. Dahlman; Carbohydrate Research


Ethylene enhances water transport in hypoxic aspen, M. Kamaluddin and J.J. Zwaizek; Plant Physiology


Naphthenic acids inhibit root water transport, gas exchange and leaf growth in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings, M. Kamaluddin and J.J. Zwiazek; Tree physiol


Differential expression of two distinct phenylalanine ammonia-lyase genes in condensed tannin-accumulating and lignifying cells of quaking aspen, Y.Y. Kao, S.A. Harding, and C.J. Tsai; Plant Physiology


Interacting elevated CO2 and tropospheric O3 predisposes aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) to infection by rust (Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidae), D.F. Karnosky, K.E. Percy, B.X. Xiang, B. Callan, A. Noormet, B. Mankovska, A. Hopkin, J. Sober, W. Jones, R.E. Dickson, and J.G. Isebrands; Global Change Biology


Immunohistochemical localization of enzymes related to lignin biosynthesis in the primary xylem of hybrid aspen, Y. Katayama, Y. Mashino, N. Nishikubo, K. Yoshitomi, R. Funada, and S. Kajita; Journal of Wood Science


Genetic variability in salt tolerance of selected boreal woody seedlings, P.D. Khasa, B. Hambling, G. Kernaghan, M. Fung, and E. Ngimbi; Forest Ecology and Management


Classification and Ecology of the Mid-Seral Picea Mariana Forests of British Columbia, K. Klinka, P.V. Krestov, and C. Chourmouzis; Applied Vegetation Science


Photosynthetic Acclimation of Overstory Populus Tremuloides and Understory Acer Saccharum to Elevated Atmospheric Co2 Concentration: Interactions With Shade and Soil Nitrogen, Mark E. Kubiske, Donald R. Zak, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Yu Takeuchi; Tree Physiology


Fungal susceptibility of interior commercial building panels, P.E. Laks, D.L. Richter, and G.M. Larkin; Forest Products Journal


NMR and Monte Carlo simulation studies of water adsorption dynamics, S.K.K. Lam, H. Peemoeller, and Z.Y. Chen; Journal of Colloid and Interface Science


Leaf area renewal, root retention and carbohydrate reserves in a clonal tree species following above-ground disturbance, S.M. Landhausser and V.J. Lieffers; Journal of Ecology


The effect of ectomycorrhizae on water relations in aspen (Populus tremuloides) and white spruce (Picea glauca) at low soil temperatures, S.M. Landhausser, T.M. Muhsin, and J.J. Zwiazek; Canadian Journal of Botany


Extracellular Enzyme Activity Beneath Temperate Trees Growing Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone, Jennifer L. Larson, Donald R. Zak, and Robert L. Sinsabaugh; Soil Science Society of America Journal


Landscape patterns as habitat predictors: building and testing models for cavity-nesting birds in the Uinta Mountains of Utah, USA, J.J. Lawler and T.C. Edwards, Jr.; Landscape Ecology


Composition of cavity-nesting bird communities in montane aspen woodland fragments: The roles of landscape context and forest structure, Joshua J. Lawler and Thomas C. Edwards; Condor


Carbon sequestration in trees and regrowth vegetation as affected by clearcut and partial cut harvesting in a second-growth boreal mixedwood, Jeff Lee, Ian K. Morrison, Jean Denis Leblanc, Michael T. Dumas, and D. Allan Cameronm; Forest Ecology and Management


Influence of Forest Composition on Understory Cover in Boreal Mixedwood Forests of Western Quebec, Sonia Legare, Yves Bergeron, and David Pare; Silva Fennica


Light dynamics and free-to-grow standards in aspen-dominated mixedwood forests, V.J. Lieffers, B.D. Pinno, and K.J. Stadt; Forestry Chronicle


Response of quaking aspen genotypes to enriched CO2: foliar chemistry and tussock moth performance, Richard L. Lindroth, Sarah A. Wood, and Brian J. Kopper; Agricultural and Forest Entomology


Effects of genotype and nutrient availability on phytochemistry of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) during leaf senescence, R.L. Lindroth, T.L. Osier, H.R.H. Barnhill, and S.A. Wood; Biochemical Systematics and Ecology


Summer and fall use of logging residue piles by female short-tailed weasels, Kimberly A. Lisgo, Fred L. Bunnell, and Alton S. Harestad


Investigating competitive interactions from spatial patterns of trees in multispecies boreal forests: The random mortality hypothesis revisited, L.R. Little; Canadian Journal of Botany


Post-fire forest floor development along toposequences of white spruce - Trembling aspen mixedwood communities in west-central Alberta, T.I. Little, D.J. Pluth, I.G.W. Corns, and D.W. Gilmore; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Effects of aggregated classifications of forest composition on estimates of evapotranspiration in a northern Wisconsin forest, D.S. Mackay, D.E. Ahl, B.E. Ewers, S.T. Gower, S.N. Burrows, S. Samanta, and K.J. Davis; Global Change Biology


Effectiveness of delayed brush cutting and herbicide treatments for vegetation control in a seven-year-old jack pine plantation in northwestern Ontario, Canada, Azim U. Mallik, F. Wayne Bell, and Yanli Gong; Silva Fennica


Cloning of Cdna Encoding Comt From Wheat Which Is Differentially Expressed in Lodging-Sensitive and -Resistant Cultivars, Qing Hu Ma, Yang Xu, Zhan Bing Lin, and Ping He; Journal of Experimental Botany


Physiological ramifications of habitat selection in territorial male Ovenbirds: consequences of landscape fragmentation, D.F. Mazerolle and K.A. Hobson; Oecologia