Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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The case of the harmony basin grazing allotment, Barry R. Munsell, Larry W. Van Tassell, and Michael A. Smith; Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education


Changes in radial increment of host and nonhost tree species with gypsy moth defoliation, R.M. Muzika and A.M. Liebhold; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Preventing termite attack: environmentally friendly chemical combinations of cashew nut shell liquid, sulfited wattle tannin and copper(II) chloride, G.C.J. Mwalongo, L.L. Mkayula, B. Andoh, E.B. Mubofu, J. Shields, and B.A. Mwingira; Green Chemistry


A Process Economic Approach to Develop a Dilute-Acid Cellulose Hydrolysis Process to Produce Ethanol From Biomass, Nick Nagle, Kelly Ibsen, and Edward Jennings; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Spring


Long-term forest floor carbon dynamics after fire in upland boreal forests of Western Canada, I.A. Nalder and R.W. Wein; Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Dynamics of local expansion by an introduced species: Pterostichus melanarius III. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Alberta, Canada, Jari Niemela and John R. Spence; Diversity and Distributions


Stomatal Versus Mesophyll Control of Instantaneous Photosynthesis in Trembling Aspen Exposed to Elevated Co2 and/or O3, Asko Noormets, David F. Karnosky, Jud G. Isebrands, and Gopi K. Podila; Plant Biology Rockville

Transformation of tobacco and aspen plants with the ita locus of an IncQ plasmid confers resistance to Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection, M. Ovadis, L. Chernin, T. Tzfira, V. Canaan, A. Aharoni, D. Sakar, A. Altman, and A. Vainstein


Budbreak phenology and natural enemies mediate survival of first-instar forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), Dylan Parry, John R. Spence, and W. Jan A. Volney; Environmental Entomology


Generation of Spatial Patterns in Boreal Forest Landscapes, John Pastor, Y. Cohen, and R. Moen; Ecosystems


Habitat composition and configuration around Mexican spotted owl nest and roost sites in the Tularosa Mountains, New Mexico, M.Z. Peery, R.J. Gutierrez, and M.E. Seamans; Journal of Wildlife Management


Chondrostereum purpureum as a biological control agent in forest vegetation management. I. Efficacy on speckled alder, red maple, and aspen in eastern Canada, D.G. Pitt, M.T. Dumas, R.E. Wall, D.G. Thompson, L. Lanteigne, W. Hintz, G. Sampson, and R.G. Wagner


The ostracode record from Harris Lake, southwestern Saskatchewan: 9200 years of local environmental change, S.C. Poeter, D.J. Sauchyn, and L.D. Delorme; Journal of paleolimnology


Short-term response of wildlife to clear-cutting in Quebec boreal forest: multiscale effects and management implications, F. Potvin, R. Courtois, and L. Belanger


Effects of fertilization on decomposition rate of Populus tremuloides foliar litter in a boreal forest, C.E. Prescott, R. Kabzems, and L.M. Zabek; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Wood Formation in Hybrid Aspen Grown Under Different Nitrogen Regimes, L. Puech, S. Tuerk, J. Hodson, and S. Fink; Journal of Experimental Botany


Forest landscape change in the northwestern Wisconsin Pine Barrens from pre-European settlement to the present, V.C. Radeloff, D.J. Mladenoff, H.S. He, and M.S. Boyce; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Influence of nest-site vegetation and predator community on the success of artificial songbird nests, S.A. Rangen, R.G. Clark, and K.A. Hobson; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Accurate and high resolution in situ hybridization analysis of gene expression in secondary stem tissues, Sharon Regan, Veronica Bourquin, Hannele Tuominen, and Bjorn Sundberg; Plant Journal


Responses of boreal plants to high salinity oil sands tailings water, S. Renault, E. Paton, G. Nilsson, J.J. Zwiazek, and M.D. MacKinnon; Journal of Environmental Quality


Effects of burning on prairie aspen grove microclimate, E.A. Ripley and O.W. Archibold; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment


Do black-throated green warblers prefer conifers? Meso- and microhabitat use in a mixedwood forest, I. Robichaud and M.A. Villard; Condor


Fungal treatment of aspen for wood resin reduction: effect on aged aspen wood chips at room temperature and at 5¥C., Marie-Josee Rocheleau, Bruce B. Sithole, Lawrence H. Allen, and Yves Noel; Holzforschung


Processing of native and exotic leaf litter in two Idaho (U.S.A.) streams, Todd V. Royer, Michael T. Monaghan, and G. Wayne Minshall; Hydrobiologia


Habitat Capability Model for Birds Wintering in the Black Hills, South Dakota, Mark A. Rumble, Todd R. Mills, and Lester D. Flake; Res. Pap. RMRS-RP-19.


Structure analysis and classification of boreal forests using airborne hyperspectral BRDF data from ASAS, S. Sandmeier and D.W. Deering; Remote Sensing of Environment


Does tree hardness influence nest-tree selection by primary cavity nesters?, J. Schepps, S. Lohr, and T.E. Martin; Auk


Light passage through leaf litter: variation among northern hardwood trees, D.J. Schimpf and N.P. Danz; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

A Novel Cuzn-Sod in Hybrid Aspen, Helga Schinkel, Magnus Hertzberg, and Gunnar Wingsle; Journal of Experimental Botany

Polar Auxin Transport in Hybrid Aspen, J. Schrader, R.P. Bhalerao, S.T. May, K. Palme, M.J. Bennett, and G. Sandberg


Molecular Characterization and Functional Analysis of Mads-Box Family Genes From Dioecious Aspen, Banalata Sen


Variations in Methane and Nitrous Oxide Mixing Ratios at the Southern Boundary of a Canadian Boreal Forest, I.J. Simpson, G.C. Edwards, and G.W. Thurtell; Atmospheric Environment


Scale-dependent habitat selection by American Redstarts in aspen-dominated forest fragments, Navjot S. Sodhi, Cynthia A. Paszkowski, and Shannon Keehn; Wilson Bulletin


Nitrogen competition using 15N between early successional plants and planted white spruce seedlings, Thomas E. Staples, Ken C.J. Van Rees, and Chris Van Kessel; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Soil, pH and N availability effects on net nitrification in the forest floors of a range of boreal forest stands, Marie Catherine Ste and David Pare; Soil Biology and Biochemistry


Reference conditions for giant sequoia forest restoration: structure, process, and precision, Nathan L. Stephenson; Ecological Applications


Genetic variation in postfire aspen seedlings in Yellowstone National Park, Michael T. Stevens, Monica G. Turner, Gerald A. Tuskan, William H. Romme, Lee E. Gunter, and Donald M. Waller; Molecular Ecology


Exotic plant species invade hot spots of native plant diversity, T.J. Stohlgren, D. Binkley, G.W. Chong, M.A. Kalkhan, L.D. Schell, K.A. Bull, Y. Otsuki, G. Newman, M. Banshkin, and Yow Han Son; Ecological Monographs

Snow damage in young Aspen, D.M. Stone

Are we maintaining aspen productivity on sand soils?, Douglas M. Stone, Joseph A. Gates, and John D. Elioff


Habitat characteristics of small mammals in southeastern Utah, M. Sureda and M.L. Morrison; Great Basin Naturalist


Field-proven strategies for reducing volatile organic carbons from hardwood drying, W. Su, H. Yan, S. Banerjee, L.P. Otwell, and M.E. Hittmeier; Environmental Science Technology


Aspen regeneration in the Colorado Front Range: differences at local and landscape scales, Kuni Suzuki, Harumi Suzuki, Dan Binkley, and Thomas J. Stohlgren; Landscape Ecology


Acclimation of respiration to temperature and CO2 in seedlings of boreal tree species in relation to plant size and relative growth rate, M.G. Tjoelker, J. Oleksyn, and P.B. Reich; Global Change Biology

Altered lignin composition in quaking aspen [Populus tremuloides] through manipulation of caffeic acid/5-hydroxy ferulic acid O-methyltransferase gene expression, Chung Jui Tsai, M.R. Mielke, J.L. Popko, W.J. Monosso, W.J. Hu, G.K. Podila, V.L. Chiang, and A. Jamieson


Image modelling of forest changes associated with acid mine drainage, N.A. Walsworth and D.J. King; 25

Gender-specific and intraspecific responses of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, Xianzhong Wang


Mercuric chloride effects on root water transport in aspen seedlings, Xian Chong Wan and Janusz J. Zwiazek; Plant Physiology


Root water flow and growth of aspen (Populus tremuloides) at low root temperatures, X. Wan, S.M. Landhausser, J.J. Zwiazek, and V.J. Lieffers; Tree Physiology


Effects of Habitat Type and Degradation on Avian Species Richness in Great Basin Riparian Habitats, I.G. Warkentin and J.M. Reed; Great basin naturalist


Effects of escaped settlement fires and logging on forest composition in the mixedwood boreal forest, J.M.H. Weir and E.A. Johnson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Field-proven strategies for reducing volatile organic carbons from hardwood drying, S.U. Wei, Y.A.N. Hui, S. Banerjee, L.P. Otwell, M.E. Hittmeier, W. Su, and H. Yan; Environmental Science and Technology

Understanding-humic-substances.-Advanced-methods,-properties-and-applications, R.L. Wershaw, A. Leenher, K.R. Kennedy, E.A. Ghabbour, and G. Davies; Understanding humic substances. Advanced-methods, properties and applications

Aspen forest communities: A key indicator of ecological integrity in the Rocky Mountains, C.A. White, C.E. Kay, and M.C. Feller


Overstory and herbaceous layer of a riparian savanna in northwestern Pennsylvania, Charles E. Williams, William J. Moriarity, and Gary L. Walters; Castanea


Substrate hydrolysis by combinations of Trichoderma xylanases, K.K.Y. Wong and U. Maringer; World journal of microbiology & biotechnology


Evaluation of Gliocladium Roseum Against Wood-Degrading Fungi In Vitro and on Major Canadian Wood Species, D.Q. Yang and L. Rossignol; Biocontrol Science and Technology


Spatial and temporal variability of CO2 concentration and flux in a boreal aspen forest, P.C. Yang, T.A. Black, H.H. Neumann, M.D. Novak, and P.D. Blanken; Journal of Geophysical Research: Special section BOREAS in 1999: experiment and science overview


The response of clones of Populus tremuloides differing in sensitivity to ozone in the field, Sung Chul Yun and J.A. Laurence; New Phytologist


Aircraft-Based Volatile Organic Compounds Flux Measurements With Relaxed Eddy Accumulation, T. Zhu, D. Wang, R.L. Desjardins, and J.I. MacPherson; Atmospheric Environment



Action of Ophiostoma piceae proteinase and lipase on wood nutrients, L. Abraham, B. Hoffmann, Y. Gao, and C. Breuil; Canadian Journal of Microbiology


Assignment of the Photoyellowing-Related 1675 cm-1Raman/IR Band to P-Quinones and Its Implications to the Mechanism of Color Reversion in Mechanical Pulps, Umesh P. Agarwal; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology

Cloning and Characterization of Antioxidant Genes From Populus Tremuloides (L.) Michx (Oxidative Stress, Superoxide Dismutase), A.S. Akkapeddi, Asko Noormets, Baljeet K. Deo, David F. Karnosky, and Gopi K. Podila; DAI


Inhibition of methane consumption in forest soils by monoterpenes, J.A. Amaral and R. Knowles; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Atmospheric methane consumption by forest soils and extracted bacteria at different pH values, John A. Amaral, Tie Ren, and Roger Knowles; Applied and Environmental Microbiology


Ungulate effects on the functional species composition of plant communities; herbivore selectivity and plant tolerance, David Augustine and Samuel J. McNaughton; Journal of Range Management

Aspen, Fire and Wildlife, Dale L. Bartos


Soil properties associated with aspen to conifer succession, D.L. Bartos and M.C. Amacher; Rangelands


Decline of quaking aspen in the Interior West--examples from Utah, D.L. Bartos and R.B. Campbell, Jr.; Rangelands


Short-Term Flooding Effects on Root Suckering of Quaking Aspen, P. C. Bates, E. Sucoff, and C. R. Blinn; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Effects of tree species, stand age and soil type on soil microbial biomass and its activity in a southern boreal forest, J. Bauhus, D. Pare, and L. Cote; Soil Biology and Biochemistry


Fuels Inventory and Appraisal in Intermountain Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Communities, Janet A. Beales


The relationship between rooting of poplar shoots and ATPase activity of their crude microsomal vesicles, J. Bellamine and T. Gasper; Plant Growth Regulation


Confirmation of the role of auxin and calcium in the late phases of adventitious root formation, J. Bellamine, C. Penel, H. Greppin, and T. Gaspar; Plant Growth Regulation


2000 years of forest dynamics in southern Sweden: suggestions for forest management, G. Bjorse and R. Bradshaw; Forest Ecology and Management


Turbulent flux measurements above and below the overstory of a boreal aspen forest, P.D. Blanken, T.A. Black, H.H. Neumann, P.C. Yang, Z. Nesic, R. Staebler, W. Chen, M.D. Novak, and G. den Hortog; Boundary Layer Meteorology


Volatiles from the bark of trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx. (Salicaceae) disrupt secondary attraction by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), John H. Borden; Ian M. Wilson; Regine Gries; Leslie J. Chong; Harold D. Pierce, Jr.; and Gerhard Gries; Chemoecology


Leaf level response of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seven years after intensive silvicultural treatments, Jean Francois Boucher, Suzanne Wetzel, and Alison D. Munson; Forest Ecology and Management

The Responses of Pinus Banksiana and Populus Tremuloides to Drought and Elevated Co(2) (Carbon Dioxide), Brian David Bovard; DAI


Ecological-process management and ungulates: Yellowstone’s conservation paradigm, M.S. Boyce; Wildlife Society Bulletin


Wound response characteristics as related to phenylpropanoid enzyme activity and lignin deposition in resistant and susceptible Populus tremuloides inoculated with Entoleuca mammata (Hypoxylon mammatum), B. Bucciarelli, H.G. Jung, M.E. Ostry, N.A. Anderson, and C.P. Vance; Canadian Journal of Botany


Cytospora canker development on aspen in response to nitrogen fertilization, S. Burks, W.R. Jacobi, and G.A. McIntyre; Journal of Arboriculture

Colonization of Populus Tremuloides Seedlings by the Fungus Phialocephala Fortinii in the Presence of the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Thelephora Terrestris, Shawna Lynn Cameron; MAI


Fine-root production in small experimental gaps in successional mixed boreal forests, Johanne Campbell, Leena Finer, and Christian Messier


Soil carbon and nitrogen in a pine-oak sand plain in central Massachusetts: Role of vegetation and land-use history, Jana E. Campton, Richard D. Boone, Glenn Motzkin, and David R. Foster; Oecologia


Snowmelt Hydrology of Two Subarctic Slopes, Southern Yukon, Canada, S.K. Carey and Ming-ko Woo; Nordic Hydrology


Flake storage effects on properties of laboratory-made flakeboards, C. Carll


Soil-Site Relations for Trembling Aspen in Northwest Ontario, Willard H. Carmean and Janjun Li; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Site index, site quality, and foliar nutrients of trembling aspen: Relationships and predictions, H.Y.H. Chen; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Height growth and site index models for trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in northern British Columbia, H.Y.H. Chen, K. Klinka, and R.D. Kabzems; Forest Ecology and Management


Effect of compression of green wood chips on conidial germination and colonization of a biopulping fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Yi-ru Chen, Elmer L. Schmidt, and Kurt K. Olsen; Wood and Fiber Science


Growth and Physiology of Aspen Supplied With Different Fertilizer Addition Rates, Mark D. Coleman, Richard E. Dickson, and J.G. Isebrands; Physiologia Plantarum


Logging in Alaska's Boreal Forest: Creation of Grasslands or Enhancement of Moose Habitat, William B. Collins and Charles C. Schwartz; Alces


Diffusion of copper in wood cell walls following vacuum treatment, P A. Cooper; Wood and Fiber Science


Canopy type, forest floor, predation, and competition influence conifer seedling emergence and early survival in two Minnesota conifer-deciduous forests, Meredith W. Cornett, Klaus J. Puettman, and Peter B. Reich; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Effects of soil compaction and chipped aspen residue on aspen regeneration and soil nutrients, Ian G.W. Corns and D.G. Maynard; Canadian Journal of Soil Science


Selection of roosting and foraging habitat by bats in different-aged aspen mixedwood stands, L.H. Crampton and R.M.R. Barclay; Conservation Biology


Changes in aspen communities over 30 years in Gunnison County, Colorado, J.L. Crawford, S.P. McNulty, J.B. Sowell, and M.D. Morgan; American Midland Naturalist


Diversity and abundance of bryophytes, lichens, and fungi in relation to woody substrate and successional stage in aspen mixedwood boreal forests, S. Crites and M.R.T. Dale; Canadian Journal of Botany


Comparative analysis of different DNA extraction protocols: a fast, universal maxi-preparation of high quality plant DNA for genetic evaluation and phylogenetic studies, U.M. Csaikl, H. Bastian, R. Brettschneider, S. Gauch, A. Meir, M. Schauerte, F. Scholz, C. Sperisen, B. Vornam, and B. Ziegenhagen; Plant Molecular Biology Reporter