Aspen Bibliography
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Persistence of tree cavities used by cavity-nesting vertebrates declines in harvested forests, Amanda B. Edworthy and Kathy Martin; Journal of Wildlife Management
Wolf, elk, and aspen food web relationships: Context and complexity, Cristina Eisenberg, S. Trent Seager, and David E. Hibbs; Forest Ecology and Management
Clonal Diversity of Quaking Aspen (Populus Tremuloides): How Multiple Clones May Add to Theresilience and Persistence of this Forest Type, Richard Scott Gardner; Forestry
Native Bees Associated with Isolated Aspen Stands in Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie, Natalie Gonzalez, Sandra J. DeBano, Chiho Kimoto, Robert V. Taylor, Carmen Tubbesing, and Christopher Strohm; Natural Areas Journal
Prescribed Burning Has Limited Long-Term Effectiveness in Controlling Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Encroachment into Fescue Grassland in Prince Albert National Park, Digit D. Guedo and Eric G. Lamb; The Canadian Field-Naturalist
Survival and Vitality of a Macrolichen 14 Years After Transplantation on Aspen Trees Retained at Clearcutting, Lena Gustafsson, Katja Fedrowitz, and Per Hazell; Forest Ecology and Management
A simple soil moisture index for representing multi-year drought impacts on aspen productivity in the western Canadian interior, E. H. Hogg, A. G. Barr, and T. A. Black; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Aquatic Ecosystem Response to Timber Harvesting for the Purpose of Restoring Aspen, Bobette E. Jones, Monika Krupa, and Kenneth W. Tate; PLoS ONE
Soil and Tree Chemistry Reflected the Cumulative Impact of Acid Deposition in Pinus banksiana and Populus tremuloides Stands in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in Western Canada, Kangho Jung and Scott X. Chang; Ecological Indicators
Soil and Tree Ring Chemistry of Pinus banksiana and Populus tremuloides Stands as Indicators of Changes in Atmospheric Environments in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada, Kangho Jung, Woo-Jung Choi, Scott X. Chang, and M A. Arshad; Ecological Indicators
Are wolves saving Yellowstone's aspen? A landscape-level test of a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade: reply, Matthew J. Kauffman, Jedediah F. Brodie, and Erik S. Jules; Ecology
Long-term aspen cover change in the western US, Dominik Kulakowski, Margot W. Kaye, and Daniel M. Kashian; Forest Ecology and Management
Avian Response to Frost-Damaged Aspen in Northern Utah, Andreas Leidolf and Ronald J. Ryel; Western North American Naturalist
Adaptations of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) for defense against herbivores, Richard L. Lindroth and Samuel B. St. Clair; Forest Ecology and Management
Salvage logging and forest renewal affect early aspen stand structure after catastrophic wind, Rongzhou Man, Han Y.H. Chen, and Andrew Schafer; Forest Ecology and Management
Effects of soil moisture and species composition on growth and productivity of trembling aspen and white spruce in planted mixtures: 5-year results, Rongzhou Man and Ken J. Greenway; New Forests
Photosynthetic and morphological responses of white birch, balsam poplar, and trembling aspen to freezing and artificial defoliation, Rongzhou Man, Pengxin Lu, Steve Colombo, Junlin Li, and Qing-Lai Dang; Botany
Book Cliffs Roadless Area Aspen Study 2013 : Grand & Uintah Counties, Utah, Cody M. Mittanck
Molecular tools and aspen management: A primer and prospectus, Karen E. Mock, Bryce A. Richardson, and Paul G. Wolf; Forest Ecology and Management
Can elevated CO2 and ozone shift the genetic composition of aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands?, Emily V. Moran and Mark E. Kubiske; New Phytologist
Using Fire Regimes to Delineate Zones in a High-resolution Lake Sediment Record From the Western United States, Jesse L. Morris, Andrea Brunelle, R. Justin DeRose, Heikki Seppa, Mitchell J. Power, Vachel Carter, and Ryan Bares; Quaternary Research
Holocene vegetation and fire reconstructions from the Aquarius Plateau, Utah, USA, Jesse L. Morris, Andrea Brunelle, A. Steven Munson, Jessica Spencer, and Mitchell J. Power; Quaternary International
Effects of a Forest Tent Caterpillar Outbreak on the Dynamics of Mixedwood Boreal Forests of Eastern Canada, Julien Moulinier, François Lorenzetti, and Yves Bergeron; Ecoscience
Secondary Succession of Bacterial Communities and Co-occurrence of Phylotypes in Oil-polluted Populus Rhizosphere, Shinjini Mukherjee, Mirja Heinonen, Magali Dequvire, Timo Sipilä, Pertti Pulkkinen, and Kim Yrjälä; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Elk herbivory alters small mammal assemblages in high-elevation drainages, Elliott W.R. Parsons, John L. Maron, and Thomas E. Martin; Journal of Animal Ecology
How will aspen respond to mountain pine beetle? A review of literature and discussion of knowledge gaps, Kristen A. Pelz and Frederick W. Smith; Forest Ecology and Management
Elk (Cervus elaphus) Seasonal Habitat Selection in a Heterogeneous Forest Structure, Jesse N. Popp, David N.C. McGeachy, and Josef Hamr; International Journal of Forestry Research
Elevated Temperature Effects on Germination and Early Growth of European Aspen (Populus Tremula), Hybrid Aspen (P. Tremula× P. Tremuloides) and Their F2-hybrids, Pertti Pulkkinen, Lu-Min Vaario, Leena Koivuranta, and Niina Stenvall; Journal of Forest Research
Transcriptome characterization and detection of gene expression differences in aspen (Populus tremuloides), Hardeep S. Rai, Karen E. Mock, Bryce A. Richardson, Richard C. Cronn, Katherine J. Hayden, Jessica W. Wright, Brian J. Knaus, and Paul G. Wolf; Tree Genetics & Genomes
Static and dynamic maximum size–density relationships for mixed trembling aspen and white spruce stands in western Canada, Valentin Reyes-Hernandez, Philip G. Comeau, and Mike Bokalo; Forest Ecology and Management
Resilience in Quaking Aspen: Recent Advances and Future Needs, Paul C. Rogers, C. Eisenberg, and S. Clair; Forest Ecology and Management
Resilience in Quaking Aspen: Recent advances and future needs, Paul C. Rogers, Cristina Eisenberg, and Samuel B. St. Clair; Forest Ecology and Management
Wolf Creek Ranch Aspen Monitoring Report, Paul C. Rogers, Allison Jones, James Catlin, James Shuler, Arthur Morris, and MIchael Kuhns; Western Aspen Alliance
Herbivory strains resilience in drought-prone aspen landscapes of the western United States, Paul C. Rogers and Cody M. Mittanck; Journal of Vegetation Science
Aspen Status Report and Recommendation for the Book Cliffs, Paul C. Rogers, Cody M. Mittanck, and Ronald J. Ryel
Conservation of epiphytes: Single large or several small host trees?, Fride Høistad Schei, Hans H. Blom, Ivar Gjerde, John-Arvid Grytnes, Einar Heegarrd, and Magne Sætersdal; Biological Conservation
Frost hardiness vs. growth performance in trembling aspen: an experimental test of assisted migration, Stefan G. Schreiber, Chen Ding, Andreas Hamann, Uwe G. Hacke, Barb R. Thomas, and Jean S. Brouard; Journal of Applied Ecology
Patterns and consequences of ungulate herbivory on aspen in western North America, S. Trent Seager, Cristina Eisenberg, and Samuel B. St. Clair; Forest Ecology and Management
Fire regimes of quaking aspen in the Mountain West, D. J. Shinneman, W. L. Baker, Paul C. Rogers, and D. Kulakowski; Forest Ecology and Management
Fire regimes of quaking aspen in the Mountain West, Douglas J. Shinneman, William L. Baker, Paul C. Rogers, and Dominik Kulakowski; Forest Ecology and Management
The role of facilitation and competition in the development and resilience of aspen forests, Samuel B. St. Clair, Xavier Cavard, and Yves Bergeron; Forest Ecology and Management
Stand-level Attributes of Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) Habitat in a Post-Fire Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Chronosequence in Central Yukon, Wayne L. Strong and Thomas S. Jung; The Canadian Field-Naturalist
Trophic cascades: linking ungulates to shrub-dependent birds and butterflies, Kristine J. Teichman, Scott E. Nielsen, and Jens Roland; Journal of Animal Ecology
Influence of Weather Conditions on the Surface Morphology and Wetting Behaviour of Superhydrophobic Quaking Aspen Leaves, J. J. Victor and U. Erb; American Journal of Plant Sciences
Long-term impact of a leaf miner outbreak on the performance of quaking aspen, Diane Wagner and Patricia Doak; Canadian Journal of Forest Reserch
Elevated growth temperatures alter hydraulic characteristics in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings: implications for tree drought tolerance, Danielle A. Way, Jean-Christophe Domec, and Robert B. Jackson; Plant, Cell & Environment
Tremblings, August 2013, Western Aspen Alliance
Tremblings, February 2013, Western Aspen Alliance
Tremblings, May 2013, Western Aspen Alliance
Tremblings, November 2013, Western Aspen Alliance
Recent declines of Populus tremuloides in North America linked to climate, James J. Worrall, Gerald E. Rehfeldt, Andreas Hamann, Edward H. Hogg, Suzanne B. Marchetti, Michael Michaelian, and Laura K. Gray; Forest Ecology and Management
Complex aspen forest carbon and root dynamics during drought, William R. L. Anderegg; Climatic Change
Effects of Widespread Drought-Induced Aspen Mortality on Understory Plants, William R.L. Anderegg, Leander D.L. Anderegg, Clare Sherman, and Daniel S. Karp; Conservation Biology
Roles of hydraulic and carbon stress in a widespread climate-induced forest die-off, William RL Anderegg, Joseph A. Berry, Duncan D. Smith, John S. Sperry, Leander DL Anderegg, and Christopher B. Field; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PNAS
Morphological attributes and snag classification of four North American boreal tree species: Relationships with time since death and wood density, Virginie A. Angers, Y. Bergeron, and P. Drapeau; Forest Ecology and Management
Using Height Growth to Model Local and Regional Response of Trembling Aspen to Climate Within the Boreal Forest of Western Quebec, Kenneth A. Anyomi, Frederic Raulier, Daniel Mailly, Martin P. Girardin, and Yves Bergeron; Ecological Modelling
Climate Change has Indirect Effects on Resource use and Overlap among Coexisting Bird Species with Negative Consequences for their Reproductive Success, Sonya K. Auer and Thomas E. Martin; Global Change Biology
Geographic Patterns and Stand Variables Influencing Growth and Vigor of Populus tremuloides in the Sierra Nevada (USA), John-Pascal Berrill and Christa M. Dagley; ISRN Forestry
Identifying Suitable Woodpecker Nest Trees Using Decay Selection Profiles in Trembling Aspen, Lori A. Blanc and Kathy Martin; Forest Ecology and Management
Climate Change Intensification of Herbivore Impacts on Tree Recruitment, Jedediah Brodie, Eric Post, Fred Watson, and Joel Berger; Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
Differential species responses to compounded perturbations and implications for landscape heterogeneity and resilience, B. Buma and C.A. Wessman; Forest Ecology and Management
Facilitation Drives Mortality Patterns Along Succession Gradients of Aspen-conifer Forests, W. John Calder and Samuel B. St. Clair; Ecosphere
Comparison of moth communities following clear-cutting and wildfire disturbance in the southern boreal forest, R.F.C. Chaundy-Smart, S.M. Smith, J.R. Malcolm, and M.I. Bellocq; Forest Ecology and Management
Effects of Slash Pile Burning after Restoring Conifer- Encroached Aspen, Christa M. Dagley, John-Pascal Berrill, Stephanie Coppeto, and Kyle Jacobson
Relationships Between Genetic Diversity, Clonal Structure and Sudden Aspen Decline in Kaibab National Forest, Arizona, Groves Bayne Dixon
Elk Hunting of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge : Impacts on Elk Movement and Aspen Regeneration, Christopher E. Dwight
Changes in Avian and Plant Communities of Aspen Woodlands over 12 Years after Livestock Removal in the Northwestern Great Basin, Susan L. Earnst, David S. Dobkin, and Jennifer A. Ballard; Conservation Biology
Effects of ungulate herbivory on aspen, cottonwood, and willow development under forest fuels treatment regimes, Bryan A. Endress, Michael J. Wisdom, Martin Vavra, Catherine G. Parks, Brian L. Dick, Bridgett J. Naylor, and Jennifer M. Boyd; Forest Ecology and Managment
Metapopulation Dynamics and Future Persistence of Epiphytic Cyanolichens in a European Boreal Forest Ecosystem, Katja Fedrowitz, Mikko Kuusinen, and Tord Snall; Journal of Applied Ecology
Influences of climate on aspen dieback, Philip Hanna and Dominik Kulakowski; Forest Ecology and Management
The influences of climate on aspen dieback, Philip Hanna and Dominik Kulakowski; Forest Ecology and Management
Pando Clone (World's Largest Living Organism?) History and Evaluation : Case Study for Revalidation, Allen V. Henningson
Large drought-induced aboveground live biomass losses in southern Rocky Mountain aspen forests, Cho-Ying Huang and William R.L. Anderegg; Global Change Biology
Herbivore-simulated Induction of Defenses in Clonal Networks of Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Hana Jelinkova, Francine Tremblay, and Annie Desrochers; Tree Physiology
Impact of harvesting intensity on wood-inhabiting fungi in boreal aspen forests of Eastern Canada, Hedi Kebli, Suzanne Brais, Gavin Kernaghan, and Pascal Drouin; Forest Ecology and Management
SNP discovery, gene diversity, and linkage disequilibrium in wild populations of Populus tremuloides, Colin T. Kelleher; Tree Genetics & Genomes
Forest restoration in a surface fire-dependent ecosystem: an example from a mixed conifer forest, southwestern Colorado, USA, Julie E. Korb, Peter Z. Fule, and Michael T. Stoddard; Forest Ecology and Management
The Effect of Temperature on Seed Quality and Quantity in Crosses Between European (Populus Tremula) and Hybrid Aspens (P. Tremula X P. Tremuloides), L. Koviuranta, T. Latva-Karjanmaa, and P. Pulkkinen; Silva Fennica
Aspen Restoration in the Eastern Sierra Nevada: Effectiveness of Prescribed Fire and Conifer Removal, Kevin D. Krasnow, Anne S. Halford, and Scott L. Stephens; Fire Ecology
Effect of Stock Type Characteristics and Time of Planting on Field Performance of Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) Seedlings on Boreal Reclamation Sites, Simon M. Landhausser, Javier Rodriguez-Alvarez, Eckehart H. Marenholtz, and Victor J. Lieffers; New Forests
Windthrow after group and dispersed tree retention in eastern Canada, Sebastien Lavoie, Jean-Claude Ruel, Yves Bergeron, and Brain D. Harvey; Forest Ecology and Management
Distribution of White Spruce Lateral Fine Roots as Affected by the Presence of Trembling Aspen: Root Mapping Using Simple Sequence Repeat DNA Profiling, Derek J. Lawrence; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
The Interplay of Plant and Animal Disease in a Changing Landscape: The Role of Sudden Aspen Decline in Moderating Sin Nombre Virus Prevalence in Natural Deer Mouse Populations, Erin M. Lehmer; EcoHealth
Using Inventory Data to Determine the Impact of Drought on Tree Mortality, Greg C. Liknes, Christopher W. Woodall, and Charles H. Perry
Understanding Cumulative Effects of Aspen Harvest on Wildlife Habitat and Timber Resources in Northern Michigan, Alexandra Locher, Henry Campa III, Larry Leefers, and Dean E. Beyer Jr.; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Changing Perspectives on Regeneration Ecology and Genetic Diversity in Western Quaking Aspen: Implications for Silviculture, James N. Long and Karen Mock; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Climate impacts on bird and plant communities from altered animal–plant interactions, Thomas E. Martin and John L. Maron; Nature Climate Change
Aspen and Willow Restoration Using Beaver on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range, Samuel D. McColley, Daniel B. Tyers, and Bok F. Sowell; Restoration Ecology
Quantifying the Consequences of Conifer Succession in Aspen Stands: Decline in a Biodiversity-Supporting Community, S. A. McCullough, A. T. O'Geen, M. L. Whiting, D. A. Sarr, and K. W. Tate; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Fire-induced shifts in overstory tree species composition and associated understory plant composition in Glacier National Park, Montana, David A. McKenzie and Daniel B. Tinker; Plant Ecology
Is science in danger of sanctifying the wolf?, L. David Mech; Biological Conservation
Arthropod Community Similarity in Clonal Stands of Aspen: A Test of the Genetic Similarity Rule, Nashelly Meneses; Ecoscience
Exploring A Stable Aspen Niche Within AspenConifer Forests of Utah, Cody M. Mittanck; All Graduate Theses and Dissertations
Widespread Triploidy in Western North American Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Karen E. Mock, Colin M. Callahan, M. Nurul Islam-Faridi, John D. Shaw, Hardeep S. Rai, Stewart C. Sanderson, Carol A. Rowe, Ronald J. Ryel, Michael D. Madritch, Richard S. Gardner, and Paul G. Wolf; PLOS One
Response of Transplanted Aspen to Irrigation and Weeding on a Colorado Reclaimed Surface Coal Mine, Robert C. Musselman, Wayne D. Shepperd, Frederick W. Smith, Lance A. Asherin, and Brain W. Gee; USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Identifying and Characterizing Important Trembling Aspen Competitors With Juvenile Lodgepole Pine in Three South-Central British Columbia Ecosystems, Teresa A. Newsome, Jean L. Heineman, and Amanda F. Linnell Nemec; International Journal of Forestry Research
Canopy and Edge Activity of Bats in a Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Forest, T W. Pettit and K T. Wilkins; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Trembling aspen seedling establishment, growth and response to fertilization on contrasting soils used in oil sands reclamation, Bradley D. Pinno, Simon M. Landhausser, M. Derek Mackenzie, Sylvie A. Quideau, and Pak S. Chow; Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences
Repeated insect outbreaks promote multi-cohort aspen mixedwood forests in northern Minnesota, USA, Michael Reinikainen, Anthony W. D'Amato, and Shawn Fraver; Forest Ecology and Management
Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15 years after wolf reintroduction, William J. Ripple and Robert L. Beschta; Biological Conservation