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Connection between the midlatitude mesosphere and sudden stratospheric warmings as measured by Rayleigh-scatter lidar, Leda Sox, Vincent B. Wickwar, Chad Fish, and Joshua P. Herron; Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Analysis of close conjunctions between dayside polar cap airglow patches and flow channels by all-sky imager and DMSP, Boyi Wang, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Larry R. Lyons, Ying Zou, Herbert C. Carlson, Harald U. Frey, and Stephen B. Mende; Earth, Planets and Space



Phenomena induced by powerful HF pumping towards magnetic zenith with a frequency near the F-region critical frequency and the third electron gyro harmonic frequency, N. F. Blagoveshchenskaya, Herbert C. Carlson, V. A. Kornienko, T. D. Borisova, M. T. Rietveld, T. K. Yeoman, and A. Brekke; Annales Geophysicae



On a new process for cusp irregularity production, Herbert C. Carlson, K. Oksavik, and J. Moen; Annales Geophysicae



Observations of a noctilucent cloud above Logan, Utah (41.7°N, 111.8°W) in 1995, Joshua P. Herron, Vincent B. Wickwar, P J. Espy, and J W. Merriwether; Journal of Geophysical Research


High-Resolution Spectra of Atmospheric Water Vaporin the Near-IR using a Raman-Shifted Alexandrite Laser, M R. Hammond, T D. Wilkerson, and Vincent B. Wickwar; Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment Monitoring II

Lidar Observations of Stratospheric-Mesospheric Density Structure and itsClimatology at Logan, Utah, R D. Sears and Vincent B. Wickwar; Laser Radar: Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques III



Retrieval and Validation of Mesospheric Temperatures from Wind Imaging Interferometer Observations, M G. Shepherd, B Reid, S Zhang, B H. Solheim, G G. Shepherd, Vincent B. Wickwar, and Joshua P. Herron; Journal of Geophysical Research


Mesospheric Temperature Observationsat the USU / CASS Atmospheric Lidar Observatory (ALO), Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, M Hammond, and Joshua P. Herron; Proceedings of the SPIE: Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Environment, and Space


Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 2. Temperature Results and Comparisons, Vincent B. Wickwar, K C. Beissner, S C. Collins, T D. Wilkerson, and J W. Meriwether jr.; Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 2. Temperature Results and Comparisons

Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 1. Instrumentation and Technique, Vincent B. Wickwar, K C. Beissner, S Elkington, S C. Collins, T D. Wilkerson, J W. Meriwether jr., and X Gao; Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 1. Instrumentation and Technique

O(1D) Intensities and Winds at Bear Lake Observatory During Periods of Moderate Magnetic Activity—Initial Results, Vincent B. Wickwar, C M. Vadnais, I K. Monson, and D Rees; O(1D) Intensities and Winds at Bear Lake Observatory During Periods of Moderate Magnetic Activity—Initial Results



Ionospheric and Thermospheric Couplings: Vertical, Latitudinal, and Longitudinal, Vincent B. Wickwar and Herbert C. Carlson; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics



Rayleigh Lidar Measurements of the Temporal Frequency and Vertical Wavenumber Spectra in the Mesosphere over the Rocky Mountain Region, X Gao, J W. Meriwether, Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, and S C. Collins; Journal of Geophysical Research


Observed Coupling of the Mesosphere Inversion Layer to the Thermal Tidal Structure, J W. Meriwether, X Gao, Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, K C. Beissner, S C. Collins, and M E. Hagan; Geophysical Research Letters

Increased Capabilities for Conventional Lidars using Holographic Optics, T D. Wilkerson, M Hammond, and Vincent B. Wickwar; Nineteenth International Laser Radar Conference


Solving the Navier-Stokes Systems with Weak Viscosity and Strong Heat Conduction using the Flux-Corrected TransportTtechnique and the Alternating-Directional Explicit Method, L Zhou, Vincent B. Wickwar, and Robert W. Schunk; Journal of Computational Physics



Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Temperature near the Mesopause from Fabry-Perot Interferometer Observations of OH Meinel Emissions, G H. Choi, I K. Monson, Vincent B. Wickwar, and D Rees; Advanced in Space Research


Seasonal Variations of Temperature near the Mesopause from Fabry-Perot Interferometer Observations of OH Meinel Emissions, G H. Choi, I K. Monson, Vincent B. Wickwar, and D Rees; Advances in Space Research

The AlexandriteRing Laser: A Spectrally Narrow Lidar Light Source for Atmospheric Fluorescence and AbsorptionObservations, S C. Collins, T D. Wilkerson, Vincent B. Wickwar, D Rees, J C. Walling, and D F. Heller; Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar

Multi-Dimensional PowerSpectral Analysis of Structure in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere Observed by Rayleigh Scatter Lidar, R D. Sears, T D. Wilkerson, Vincent B. Wickwar, J M. Maloney, and S C. Collins; Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar

Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah, Vincent B. Wickwar, K C. Beissener, S Elkington, S C. Collins, T D. Wilkerson, J W. Meriwether jr., and X Gao; Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah

Wind Climatology at 87 km above the Rocky Mountains at Bear Lake Observatory—Fabry-Perot Observations of OH, Vincent B. Wickwar, I K. Monson, C M. Vadnais, and D Rees; Wind Climatology at 87 km above the Rocky Mountains at Bear Lake Observatory—Fabry-Perot Observations of OH



Resonance Lidar to Study Temperatures, Winds, and Metal Densities in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, D Rees, and S C. Collins; The CEDAR Post

Real Geomagnetic Field-Line Tracing, L Zhou and Vincent B. Wickwar; Geomagnetism Atmosphere Space Researches and Applications



First Summer Results on Winds in the Upper Mesosphere Derived from the 843 nm Hydroxyl Emissions Measured from the Bear Lake Observatory, Utah, S A. East, N P. Meridith, M J. Harris, D Rees, Vincent B. Wickwar, I K. Monson, and H G. Muller; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Spaceborne Incoherent Doppler Wind Lidar: Reassessment of the UV System, D Rees, J A. McKay, T D. Wilkerson, and Vincent B. Wickwar; Proceedings of ESA Doppler Wind Workshop

The Consortium Lidar: Results and Facilities Present and Planned, Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, J W. Meriwether jr., and D Rees; Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere