Utah State University Green Beam Lidar Presentations | Green Beam (Rayleigh-Scatter LIDAR) | Utah State University

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Interpretation (or is it Calibration?) of Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Signals, Vincent B. Wickwar and Leda Sox; 2014 CEDAR Workshop


The Behavior of Neutral Densities Between 45 and 90 km Determined from Rayleigh Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah, David L. Barton, Vincent B. Wickwar, and Leda Sox; American Physical Society Four Corner Section Meeting, University of Denver, Denver, CO


Multi-year Observations of Mid-latitude Middle Atmospheric Winds, Waves, and Temperature associated with SSW Events over Northern Utah, Chad Fish, Vincent B. Wickwar, B. Thurairajah, Jan J. Sojka, F. T. Berkey, S. Bailey, Titus Yuan, Michael J. Taylor, N. Mitchell, and W. Hocking; International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,


The Mid-Latitude Mesosphere’s Response to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings as Determined from Rayleigh Lidar Temperatures, Leda Sox, Vincent B. Wickwar, Chad Fish, and Joshua P. Herron; International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics


Rayleigh Lidar Observations of the Mid-Latitude Mesosphere During Stratospheric Warming Events and a New Rayleigh-Mie-Raman Lidar at USU, Leda Sox, Vincent B. Wickwar, Chad Fish, Joshua P. Herron, and Matthew T. Emerick; USU Physics Colloquium


The Upgraded Rayleigh Lidar at USU’s Atmospheric Lidar Observatory, Vincent B. Wickwar, Leda Sox, and Joshua P. Herron; CEDAR Workshop; Boulder, CO; 2013


Midlatitude, Rayleigh-Mie-Raman Lidar for Observations from 15 to 120 km, Vincent B. Wickwar, Leda Sox, Joshua P. Herron, and Matthew T. Emerick; International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics



Characterization of Pollen Particles Using LIDAR, Leda Sox; Frontiers In Optics



USU’s Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar, Vincent B. Wickwar; Guest Lecture to Doran Baker's Electrical & Computer Engineering 5930/6930 Class



The Green Beam—Lidar Investigations of the Mesosphere, Vincent B. Wickwar; InTech Collegiate High School, North Logan, Utah, March 2, 2007



Gobal Change in the Mesosphere and USU’s Green Beam, Vincent B. Wickwar, Joshua P. Herron, and Troy A. Wynn; Physics Colloquium, USU, Logan, UT, January 18, 2005



Examples of ALO Results, Vincent B. Wickwar, Joshua P. Herron, Karen M. Nelson, Troy A. Wynn, Kristina Thomas, and Eric M. Lundell; CEDAR Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, June 27–July 2, 2004



Lidar Investigations of the Middle Atmosphere or What is the Middle Atmosphere, What is the Green Beam, and What is the Red Beam?, Vincent B. Wickwar; Physics Colloquium, Logan, UT, January 21, 2003