"Interactions Between Fire-Injured Trees and Insects in the Greater Yel" by Kevin C. Ryan and Gene D. Amman

Interactions Between Fire-Injured Trees and Insects in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Journal/Book Title/Conference

Plants and their Environments : Proceedings of the First Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Publication Date


First Page


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After the 1988 Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) fires, 24 permanent plots were established at 6 sites within 4 different burned areas. The purpose was to evaluate the effects of fire injury on susceptibility to insect attack and tree survival. Mensuration, fire injury, and insect attack data were collected on four species of burned conifers. By July 1991 76 percent of the 125 Douglas-fir had been infested by bark beetles and wood borers; 58 percent of the 151 lodgepole pine were infested; 82 percent of the 17 Engelmann spruce were infested; and 88 percent of the 17 subalpine fir were infested. Fire injury combined with subsequent insect attack resulted in death to 55 percent of the Douglas-fir, 69 percent of the lodgepole pine, 82 percent of the Engelmann spruce, and all of the subalpine fir.


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