Net Impact of Spruce Beetle Outbreak on White River National Forest, 1939-1951


Donn B. Cahill

Document Type

Full Issue

Publication Date



In the winter of 1972, the Washington Office of Forest Pest Control, U.S. Forest Service, made assignments to each Regional and Area Office to collect and report the net impact of specific insects and diseases. The spruce beetle was assigned to Region 2 and D. B. Cahill Was selected to coordinate the effort on determining net impact from the insect. Since it would be too time-consuming to attempt to collect this information from throughout the entire Region, it was decided to concentrate on one area--the Buck Creek and Dry Buck drainages on the White River National Forest (see map). This area is part of a 670,000-acre area that was devastated by an epidemic of the spruce beetle in Engelmann spruce between 1939 and 1951. The epidemic started from a buildup of the beetles in trees which 'were windthrown in 1939. The end of the epidemic coincided with extremely low winter temperatures in 1951.


This item was written and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, and is therefore in the public domain.
