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Mechanical and Ethological Isolation Between Pedicularis groenlandica and P. attollens (Scrophulariaceae), Verne Grant; Biologisches Zentralblatt
Taxonomy of the Tufted Alpine and Subalpine Polemoniums (Polemoniaceae), Verne Grant; Botanical Gazette
The Theory of Speciational Trends, Verne Grant; The American Naturalist
A New Species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae) from Megachile Spp. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in the United Arab Emirates, D. J. Greathead; Entomologist's Gazette
Reproductive Biology of the Orchid Cleistes divaricata (L.) Ames var. bifaria Fernald Growing in a West Virginia Meadow, Katharine B. Gregg; Castanea
Natural Hybridization Between Ipomopsis Aggregata and I. Tenuituba (Polemeniaceae), Verne Grant and Dieter H. Wilken; Botanical Gazette
Racial Variation in Ipomopsis Tenuituba (Polemoniaceae), Verne Grant and Dieter H. Wilken; Botanical Gazette
Гнездование Мохноногой Пчелы Dasypoda Braccata Eversm. (Hyмenoptera, Melittidae) На Юго-востоке Украины, В. Г. Радченко; Энтомологическое Обозрение
Natural Pentaploids in the Opuntia Lindheimeri-Phaeacantha Group in Texas, Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Botanical Gazette
Persistent Habituation to Female Odor by Male Sweat Bees, (Lasioglossum zephyrum) (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Les Greenberg; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Year-Round Culturing and Productivity of a Sweat Bee, Lasioglossum zephyrum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Les Greenberg; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Exploitation of Opuntia Cactus by Birds on the Galápagos, B. R. Grant and G. R. Grant; Oecologia
Attraction of Solitary Bees for Pollination of Alfalfa in Siberia, S. V. Grebennikov; Doklady Vsesoyuznoi Ordena Lenina Akademii Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk Im
Response of Honey Bees, Apis mellifera L., to High-Voltage Transmission Lines, Bernard Greenberg, Vytautas P. Bindokas, Marvin J. Frazier, and James R. Gauger; Environmental Entomology
Biological Effects of a 765-kV Transmission Line: Exposures and Thresholds in Honeybee Colonies, Bernard Greenberg, Vytautas P. Bindokas, and James R. Gauger; Bioelectromagnetics
Inhibition of Worker Mating by Queens in a Sweat Bee, Lasioglossum Zephyrum, Les Greenberg and Gregory R. Buckle; Insectes Sociaux
Optimal Foraging and Sex Ratio, the Best Strategy is Determined by the Marginal Value Theorem and the Product Rule, R. F. Green; Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists
Gene Flow and the Homogeneity of Species Populations, Verne Grant; Biologisches Zentralblatt
Effects on 60-Hz Electromagnetic Fields on Bees and Soil Arthropods, Bernard Greenberg; Proceedings of the Biomagnetic Effects Workshop
The Association Between Carpophilus Beetles and Cactus Flowers, Verne Grant and Walter A. Connell; Plant Systematics and Evolution
Pollination of Echinocereus fasciculatus and Ferocactus wislizenii, Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Plant Systematics and Evolution
Pollination of Opuntia lindheimeri and Related Species, Verne Grant, Karen A. Grant, and Paul D. Hurd Jr.; Plant Systematics and Evolution
Pollination of Southwestern Opuntias, Verne Grant and Paul D. Hurd; Plant Systematics and Evolution
Genetic Component of Bee Odor in Kin Recognition, Les Greenberg; Science
Chlorine Disinfection of Leafcutting Bee Cells and Equipment for Chalk Brood Control, D. A. Greenwell; Nevada Seed Bulletin
Note on Insect-Pollinators of Sannhemp in Punjab, G. S. Grewal and Gurdip Singh; Indian Journal of Agricultural Science
Kin Selection: A Critique, Verne Grant; Biologisches Zentralblatt
Behavior of the Yellowjacket Social Parasite, Dolichovespula Arctica (Rohwer) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Albert Greene, Roger D. Akre, and Peter J. Landolt; Melanderia
Influence of Irrigation on the Nesting Activity of Andrena Ilerda Cam. (Andrenidae: Hymenoptera) in Wheat Fields near Brassica Campestris Var. Toria, G. S. Grewal; Entomon
Isolation Between Aquilegia formosa and A. Pubescens: A Reply and Reconsideration, Verne Grant; Evolution
Chemical Communication in the Mating Behavior of Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), Richard E. Greenblatt, Wendell E. Burkholder, John C. Cross, Russell C. Byler, and Robert M. Silverstein; Journal of Chemical Ecology
The Aerial Yellowjacket, Dolichovespula arenaria (Fab.): Nesting Biology, Reproductive Production, and Behavior (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Albert Greene, Roger D. Akre, and Peter J. Landolt; Melanderia
Effects of Insect Seed Predators on Astragalus Cibarius and Astragalus Utahensis (Leguminosae), Thomas W. Green and Ivan G. Palmbald; Ecology
Insecticidal Baits Tested for Controlling Trogoderma variabile and Tribolium audax in Nests of Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees, Richard F. Grassl and Carl A. Johansen; Journal of Economic Entomology
Note on the Use of Flies for Onion Pollination under Arid Conditions in Nigeria, J. H. Green; Trop. Agric. (Trinidad)
A Scanning Electron Microscopy Survey of Some Maydeae Pollen, C. A. Grant; Grana
Dynamics of Clonal Microspecies in Cholla Cactus, Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Evolution
Natural Hybridization between the Cholla Cactus Species Opuntia spinosior and Opuntia versicolor (Vegetative and Sexual Reproduction/Clonal Colonies), Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Nesting Behavior of Andrena Leaena Cam. (Andrenidae: Hym), G. S. Grewal, A. S. Atwal, S. Kumar, and R. P. Kapil; The XXII-nd International Beekeeping Congress – Munich, 1969
Effects of Hummingbird Migration on Plant Speciation in the California Flora, Karen A. Grant and Verne Grant; Evolution
Records of Hummingbird Pollination in the Western American Flora III. Arizona Records, Karen A. Grant and Verne Grant; Aliso
Linkage Between Morphology and Viability in Plant Species, Verne Grant; The American Naturalist
Records of Hummingbird Pollination in the Western American Flora II. Additional California Records, Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Aliso
Patterns of Evolution on Islands, Verne Grant; Evolution
Hawkmoth Pollination in the Genus Oenothera, David P. Gregory; Aliso
Bibliographic Introduction to Antarctic-Subantarctic Entomology, J. L. Gressitt and N. A. Weber; Pacific Insects
The Plant Species in Theory and Practice, Verne Grant; The Species Problem
Some Factors Affecting Pollination of White Dutch Clover, H. B. Green; Journal of Economic Entomology
The Effect of Competing Pollen Sources on the Number of Honey Bees Collecting Alfalfa Pollen, George E. Bohart; Report of the Fourteenth Alfalfa Improvement Conference
Isolation and Hybridization Between Aquilegia Formosa and A. Pubescens, Verne Grant; El Aliso
Насекомые-опылители Красного Клевера, Э. К. Гринфельд; Академии Наук Ссср
Arthur Dobbs (1750) and the Discovery of the Pollination of Flowers by Insects, Verne Grant; Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
New Longicorn Beetles from China, V (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), J. Linsley Gressitt; Lingnan Science Journal
Some Hispine Beetles from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae), J. Linsley Gressitt; Lingnan Science Journal
Some Tortoise Beetles from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), J. Linsley Gressitt; Lingnan Science Journal
Tortoise Beetles in the Collection of the Lingnan Natural History Survey and Museum (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), J. Linsley Gressitt; Lingnan Science Journal
Note on the Habits of the Bee, Anthidium Manicatum, E. E. Green; Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond.
Sopra Alcune Specie Nuove o Poco Conosciute di Imenotteri Antofili, Giovanni Gribodo; Bull. Soc Entomol. Ital.
Sopra Alcuni Imenotteri Raccolti a Minhla Nel Regno di Birmania dal Cap. G. B. Comotto, Giovanni Gribodo; Ann. Mus. Genov.
Viaggio ad Assab nel Mar Rosso, dei Signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il. R. Avviso (Esploratore) dal 16 Novembre al 26 Febbraio 1880, Giovanni Gribodo; Ann. Mus. Genov.
Spedizione Italiana Nell'Africa Equatoriale, Giovanni Gribodo; Ann. Mus. Genov.
Note Imenotterologiche, Giovanni Gribodo; Ann. Mus. Genov.
Review of the American Bombidæ, Together with a Description of Several Species Heretofore Undescribed, Being a Synopsis of the Species of this Family of Hymenopterous Insects Thus Far Known to Inhabit North America, John W. Greene; Annals of The Lyceum of Natural History of New York