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The Bingham Research Center at Utah State University (USU) studies the interactions between energy and the environment. Working closely with USU’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry as well as the Department of Plants,Soils and Climate, this center produces research from data found at field sites and studied in its analytical lab. The Bingham Research Center monitors meteorology (particularly Utah’s winter air quality), alerts others about high ozone forecasts, tests environmental samples for contaminants, studies the impact of energy emissions, measures soil and water fluxes, etc. This center works with industries, the government, and communities to learn more about the effect of energy on the environment and to find better solutions to the problems that result from this effect.




Assimilating Satellite-Derived Snow Cover and Albedo Data to Improve 3-D Weather and Photochemical Models, Colleen Jones, Huy Tran, Trang Tran, and Seth Lyman; Atmosphere



Mercury Biogeochemical Cycling: A Synthesis of Recent Scientific Advances, Mae Sexauer Gustin, Michael S. Bank, Kevin Bishop, Katlin Bowman, Brian Branfireun, John Chételat, Chris S. Eckley, Chad R. Hammerschmidt, Carl Lamborg, Seth Lyman, Antonio Martínez-Cortizas, Jonas Sommar, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui, and Tong Zhang; Science of the Total Environment


Strong Temporal Variability in Methane Fluxes From Natural Gas Well Pad Soils, Seth N. Lyman, Huy N. Q. Tran, Marc L. Mansfield, Ric Bowers, and Ann Smith; Atmospheric Pollution Research



Quantifying Methane Emissions in the Uintah Basin During Wintertime Stagnation Episodes, C. S. Foster, Erik T. Crosman, J. D. Horel, Seth Lyman, B. Fasoli, R. Bares, and J. C. Lin; Elementa


Aerial and Ground-Based Optical Gas Imaging Survey of Uinta Basin Oil and Gas Wells, Seth N. Lyman, Trang Tran, Marc L. Mansfield, and Arvind P. Ravikumar; Elementa



Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model for Simulating Winter Ozone Formation in the Uinta Basin, Rebecca Matichuk, Gail Tonnesen, Deborah Luecken, Rob Gillam, Sergey L. Napelenok, Kirk R. Baker, Donna Schwede, Ben Murphy, Detlev Helmig, Seth N. Lyman, and Shawn Roselle; Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres



Numerical tools for obtaining power-law representations of heavy-tailed datasets, Marc L. Mansfield; European Physical Journal B