Poster Presentations | 2012 CALCON Technical Conference

Overviews of technical topics, problems, questions, case studies, investigative results or innovative work.

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Tuesday, August 28th
9:50 AM

Characterization of Small Industrial Temperature Sensors

Harri Latvakoski, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory
Shane Topham, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

CrIS Sensor Temperature Effects on CrIS Radiometric Performance

Mark Esplin, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory
Vladimir Zavyalov, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory
Kevin Grant, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory
Deron Scott, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Cross-Calibration over Desert Sites: Description, Methodology and Operational Implementation

Philippe Gamet, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Sophie Lachérade, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Bertrand Fougnie, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Patrice Henry, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Global Precipitation Measurement Microwave Imager (GMI) Pre-flight Calibration Performance

David Draper, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
David Newell, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Long-term Calibration Performance of MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands

B. Wenny, Sigma Space Corp.
A. Wu, Sigma Space Corp.
S. Madhavan, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)
Z. Wang, Sigma Space Corp.
N. Chen, Sigma Space Corp.
Y. Li, Sigma Space Corp.
X. Xiong, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Pre-launch Calibration of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission Thermal Infrared Sensor

B. Wenny, Sigma Space Corp.
K. Thome, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
D. Reuter, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
M. Montanaro, Sigma Space Corp.
Z. Tesfaye, Milennium Engineering and Integration Co.
R. Smith, Catholic University

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Predicting the Radiometric Biases between ABI and VIIRS Due to Spectral Response Function Differences

Aaron Pearlman, Integrity Applications Inc.
Dave Pogorzala, Integrity Applications Incorporated

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Radiometric Performances of COMS MI for First One Year

Jae-Gwan Kim, National Meteorological Satellite Center of KMA
Byung-il Lee, National Meteorological Satellite Center of KMA
Young-Won Park, National Meteorological Satellite Center of KMA
Seung-Hee Sohn, National Meteorological Satellite Center of KMA
Hee-Sang Lee, National Meteorological Satellite Center of KMA

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Relative Trends of AIRS and IASI Radiometric Calibrations

Denis Elliott, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
H. H. Aumann, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Test and Assessment of a New Quantum Cascade Laser at 23 μm for Applications in the Longwave Infrared Region

Jinan Zeng, USU/Space Dynamics Laboratory
Leonard Hanssen, National Institute of Standards and Technology

9:50 AM

9:50 AM

Translating and Evaluating GOES-R Product Requirements According to International Standards

Raghu Kacker, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Aaron Pearlman, Integrity Applications Inc.
Raju Datla, Riverside Technologies Inc.

9:50 AM