
The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which will be launched on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-series satellite (GOES-R), is a multispectral sensor with sixteen bands. Calibration scientists must maintain accurate spectral response functions (normalized response dependence on wavelength) for all these bands to ensure data quality for the numerical weather prediction community and other users. Each band is typically characterized through a large range of wavelengths including those inside its specified spectral range (or in-band) and outside of this range (out-of-band). Out-of-band responses have caused detrimental impacts for previous satellite instruments, so we analyzed the out-of-band effects of the ABI using realistic target scenes from hyperspectral satellite sensors and simulated scenes. The instrument vendor measured the spectral response functions of the ABI’s bands through a broad wavelength range (0.3-20 µm), to include both the in-band and out-of-band response. We found that the out-of-band response has a small impact in all channels (<<1% difference in effective spectral radiance between the in-band response and the full-range response). The 0.47 µm channel and 6.18 µm channels have the largest impact among the reflective solar band and thermal emissive bands, respectively. These results support the effort to ensure high quality data products from ABI.


Aug 13th, 8:35 AM

Analysis of Advanced Baseline Imager Out-of-Band Spectral Response

The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which will be launched on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-series satellite (GOES-R), is a multispectral sensor with sixteen bands. Calibration scientists must maintain accurate spectral response functions (normalized response dependence on wavelength) for all these bands to ensure data quality for the numerical weather prediction community and other users. Each band is typically characterized through a large range of wavelengths including those inside its specified spectral range (or in-band) and outside of this range (out-of-band). Out-of-band responses have caused detrimental impacts for previous satellite instruments, so we analyzed the out-of-band effects of the ABI using realistic target scenes from hyperspectral satellite sensors and simulated scenes. The instrument vendor measured the spectral response functions of the ABI’s bands through a broad wavelength range (0.3-20 µm), to include both the in-band and out-of-band response. We found that the out-of-band response has a small impact in all channels (<<1% difference in effective spectral radiance between the in-band response and the full-range response). The 0.47 µm channel and 6.18 µm channels have the largest impact among the reflective solar band and thermal emissive bands, respectively. These results support the effort to ensure high quality data products from ABI.