
We show the periodic uncertainty of time, temperature and a substance specific density, state, relative to the Triple Point of Water. The Equations and Plots of the equations are presented.

We follow the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definitions “The standard uncertainty u(y) of a measurement result y is the estimated standard deviation of y.” A “relative standard uncertainty ur(y) of a measurement result y is defined by ur(y) = u(y) / |y|, where y is not equal to 0.” Real energy is not equal to zero.

Further, they cite Using concise notation as “If, for example, y = 1 234.567 89 U and u(y) = 0.000 11 U, where U is the unit of y, then Y = (1 234.567 89 ± 0.000 11) U. A more concise form of this expression, and one that is in common use, is Y = 1 234.567 89(11) U, where it is understood that the number in parentheses is the numerical value of the standard uncertainty referred to the corresponding last digits of the quoted result.”

Unit NIST conversion factors: energy, J, converts respectively to unit: joule (J), kilogram (Kg), meter m, hertz (Hz), kelvin (K), electron-volt (eV), amu (u), substance hartree (Eh).


Aug 26th, 9:49 AM

Statistical Calibration Relative to the Meter and the Triple Point of Water

We show the periodic uncertainty of time, temperature and a substance specific density, state, relative to the Triple Point of Water. The Equations and Plots of the equations are presented.

We follow the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definitions “The standard uncertainty u(y) of a measurement result y is the estimated standard deviation of y.” A “relative standard uncertainty ur(y) of a measurement result y is defined by ur(y) = u(y) / |y|, where y is not equal to 0.” Real energy is not equal to zero.

Further, they cite Using concise notation as “If, for example, y = 1 234.567 89 U and u(y) = 0.000 11 U, where U is the unit of y, then Y = (1 234.567 89 ± 0.000 11) U. A more concise form of this expression, and one that is in common use, is Y = 1 234.567 89(11) U, where it is understood that the number in parentheses is the numerical value of the standard uncertainty referred to the corresponding last digits of the quoted result.”

Unit NIST conversion factors: energy, J, converts respectively to unit: joule (J), kilogram (Kg), meter m, hertz (Hz), kelvin (K), electron-volt (eV), amu (u), substance hartree (Eh).