Calibration and characterization issues associated with making radiometric measurements within the microwave band, including the comparison or fusion of microwave data with data obtained within the optical bands.

Session Chair: Otto Bruegman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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Tuesday, August 25th
2:05 AM

A Climate Record of Enhanced Spatial Resolution Microwave Radiometer Data

D. G. Long, Brigham Young University
A. Paget, Brigham Young University
M. J. Brodzik, National Snow and Ice Data Center

2:05 AM

2:30 AM

On-orbit Cross-Calibration of GMI High Frequency Channel Brightness Temperatures

Quinn Remund, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
David Draper, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
David Newell, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Don Figgins, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.

2:30 AM

2:55 AM

SNPP ATMS Alternate Scan Profile For Risk Mitigation To Extend On-Orbit Life

Otto Bruegman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Mike Landrum, Northop Grumman Electronic Systems (NGES)
Stu Loewenthal, Lockheed Martin
John Cymerman, The Aerospace Corporation

2:55 AM