
The scan mirror reflectivity of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) solar reflective bands was characterized before launch to ensure calibration uniformity. To verify, a series of lunar images were collected during the GOES-16/17 ABI post-launch test/post-launch product test (PLT/PLPT) periods while the Moon transited the space within the ABI field of regard (FOR). The irradiance of each lunar image was measured by ABI and simulated by the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) Implementation of the ROLO (GIRO) model. The ratio of these irradiances was used to evaluate the ABI Response versus Scan-angle (RVS) performance along the EW direction. It was found that lunar irradiance measured by ABI is very sensitive to straylight. In this study, the straylight correction algorithms were developed to remove its impacts on the illuminated lunar pixels at the shorter wavelength images. After the straylight corrections, the RVS variation along the EW direction is well within 1% for all the GOES-16/17 ABI solar reflective bands within the FOR.


Sep 21st, 2:40 PM

The East-West Response Versus Scan-Angle Performance of GOES-16/17 ABI Solar Reflective Bands

The scan mirror reflectivity of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) solar reflective bands was characterized before launch to ensure calibration uniformity. To verify, a series of lunar images were collected during the GOES-16/17 ABI post-launch test/post-launch product test (PLT/PLPT) periods while the Moon transited the space within the ABI field of regard (FOR). The irradiance of each lunar image was measured by ABI and simulated by the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) Implementation of the ROLO (GIRO) model. The ratio of these irradiances was used to evaluate the ABI Response versus Scan-angle (RVS) performance along the EW direction. It was found that lunar irradiance measured by ABI is very sensitive to straylight. In this study, the straylight correction algorithms were developed to remove its impacts on the illuminated lunar pixels at the shorter wavelength images. After the straylight corrections, the RVS variation along the EW direction is well within 1% for all the GOES-16/17 ABI solar reflective bands within the FOR.