"Utahns’ Generally Agree on Top Environmental Concerns, But Climate Cha" by Sarah E. Wilson and Jessica Ulrich-Schad

Document Type



Utah State University

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Funding Agency

USU College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHaSS), the USU Mountain West Center for Regional Studies, and from CHaSS Alumni, Jorrien & Tiera Peterson, and their company Made by Fell

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Utah is renowned for its unique landscapes and abundant opportunities to connect with the natural environment. However, the state is currently grappling with serious environmental challenges, including poor air quality, dwindling water supplies, and the alarming desiccation of the Great Salt Lake. These and other issues have major ecological and economic implications, and combating them will likely require large scale efforts. However, rising levels of political polarization are a common problem in the United States that many feel stifles our ability to combat societal problems, including those related to the environment and human health.
