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Optimal sustained-yield pumping strategies were developed for the irrigated and industrialized eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake. The combined optimization and simulation model contains steady-state, finite difference, quasi-three-dimensional, groundwater flow equations embedded as constraints. The model computes the optimal spatial distribution of sustainable annual groundwater pumping rates for alternative scenarios. The addressed aquifer is a multilayer and confined/unconfined (linear/nonlinear) system. The research can help manage water in the study area, where the demand for water of sufficient quality and quantity is increasing due to urbanization.
Recommended Citation
Takahashi, S. and R.C. Peralta. 1991. Optimal Sustained-yield groundwater pumping strategy for the East Shore area, Utah. ASAE paper no. 91-2113. Presented by Takahashi at International Summer Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 23-26 June 1991.