Design and Implementation of a Simple Model Interface for Component Based Modeling

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AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts



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Component based architectures offer an alternative approach for building large, complex hydrologic modeling systems. In contrast to more traditional coding structures (i.e. sequential and modular modeling approaches), component-based modeling allows individuals to construct autonomous computational units that can be linked together through the exchange of shared boundary conditions during run-time. One of the challenges in component-based modeling is designing simple yet robust component interface definitions that allow hydrologic processes to be quickly incorporated into a modeling system. In this study we address this challenge by presenting a new interface design that simplifies the process of implementing the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI). A component is created by (1) authoring an xml-based configuration file that defines the component's core properties and (2) creating a class that implements the newly defined interface and its three methods: initialize, perform time step, and finish. We will present this approach for creating components and demonstrate how it can be used to create a hydrologic model.

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