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Predictors of Early Numeracy: Applied Measures in Two Childcare Contexts, Belinda Blevins-Knabe, Jacob Esplin, Ann Berhout Austin, and Shawnee M. Hendershot; Early Childhood Education


2017-18 End of the Year Report, Jody Clarke-Midura and Katarina Pantic


Journey Beyond Abuse: Healing Through Music and Imagery, Maureen C. Hearns; Journal of the Association for Music & Imagery

Music Therapists’ Attitudes and Actions Regarding the LGBTQ Community: A Preliminary Report, Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, Amy M. Donnenwerth, Beth Robinson, Spencer Hardy, Leah G. Oswanski, Michele Forinash, Maureen C. Hearns, Natasha Anderson, and Xueli Tan; The Arts in Psychotherapy


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning: Best Practices in Music Therapy, Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, Amy Donnenwerth, Beth Robinson, Spencer Hardy, Leah Oswanski, Michele Forinash, Maureen C. Hearns, Natasha Anderson, and Elizabeth York; Music Therapy Perspectives


A Journey Through Ashes: One Woman’s Story of Surviving Domestic Violence, Maureen C. Hearns; American Anthropological Association


Empowerment Through Improvisation: An Instructional Guide for George Grant’s Drum Talk, Maureen C. Hearns


Finding Voice: An Ethnographic Drama Empowering Women Survivors of Domestic Violence, Maureen C. Hearns


Music Therapy in Children’s Hospitals: Primary Children’s Medical Center Demonstration Project, Maureen C. Hearns; Primary Children’s Medical Center Demonstration Project


Finding Voice: The Poetry of Utah Battered Women, Elizabeth F. York, S. Coulbrooke, and Maureen C. Hearns