The 3rd Utah Symposium on Digital Humanities | Conferences and Events | Utah State University


The 3rd Utah Symposium on the Digital Humanities—sponsored by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Merrill-Cazier Library at Utah State University—was held on February 23rd and 24th, 2018, at the Utah State University Eccles Conference Center. Digital humanities is the academic discipline that examines how the field of humanities intersects with digital culture and technology. This event aimed to continue the scholarly conversation in Utah and surrounding states about digital humanities theories, pedagogy, research, tools, and programs being developed in the region.

Sponsored by: Utah State University's Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University's College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Utah State University's Department of English

Conference Co-Chairs, Rylish Moeller and Dory Cochran

Additional thanks to:

Mattie Burkert, Dylan Burns

DH@USU Digital Humanities Working Group

Shay Larsen, Graphic Designer

Kylie Downs, Conference Management Services

Browse the contents of The 3rd Utah Symposium on Digital Humanities:

Friday 3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Lightning Talks: Room 207/205
Brian McCuskey, "A Cautionary Tale;" Harish Maringanti, "Introduction to IIIF;"
Friday 3:30pm-4pm: Poster Sessions: Lobby Area
"A Digital Model of Constitutions: The Quill Project," "Telling the Cambodian Oral History Project," "The many faces (interfaces) of Historical Digitized Newspapers," "WordCruncher: A Digital Research and Teaching Assistant"
Friday 4:00pm- 5:00pm: "Strategies for Open Research," an Interactive Workshop" Room 207/205
Nathan Schneider, University of Colorado-Boulder
Friday 5:30-6:30: "Elaborating and Advancing #SouthwesternDH: An Interactive Organizing Panel" Room 207/205
Jacqueline Wernimont, Nexus ASU and co-Director HASTAC; Elizabeth Grumbach, Nexus ASU and HASTAC Director of Digital Content and Special Programs; Gabriela Baeza Ventura, Executive editor of Arte Publico Press; Caronina A. Villarroel, Director of Research at Recovery; Lorena Gauthereau, CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow
Saturday 9:00am-10:30am.; Fairy Tales on Television (FFTV) and Digital Humanities Problems and Possibilities (Roundtable) Room 303/305
Tory Anderson, Jill Terry Rudy, Cortlynd Olsen, Ariel Hubbard, Lauren Redding, Erica Smith
Saturday 9:00 a.m -10:30 a.m : Digital Humanities and the Arts (Paper Session) Room 207/205
"Digital Humanities as Ethical Practice: SAH Archipedia Utah," "The Art of the Studio," "Visualizing Topolski: Using Digital Tools to Augment Library Collections"
Saturday 10:45 a.m.- 12:15p.m.; Memes of Resistance, Election Reflections, and Voices from Drug Court: Social Justice, Ethical Cataloging, and Digital Humanities at Utah State University (Roundtable) Room 303/305
Randy Williams, Utah State University; Lynne McNeill, Utah State University; Andrea Payant, Utah State University; Jeannie Thomas, Utah State University; Liz Woolcott, Utah State University
Saturday 10:45a.m.-12:15p.m.; Reducing Risk and Victim-Blaming in Campus 'Timely Warning Notices' about Sexual Violence (Interactive Panel) Room 207/205
Cana Itchuaqiyaq, Utah State University; Amanda DeRito, Utah State University; Michael Kuehn, Utah State University; Jenny Erazo, Utah State University
Saturday 10:45am-12:15pm.; Institutional Structures for the Digital Humanities (Paper Session) Room 201/203
"Future/Death of the Library: A Collaborative Topic Modeling Project," "Startup Logic in DH: Performativity and Sustainability," "Three Phases of the Digital in SF / Three Faces in SF in DH"
Saturday 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.: "What We Teach When We Teach 'Intro to DH' (Featured Panel) Room 207/205
Brian Croxall, Brigham Young University; Julia Panko, Weber State University; David Roh, University of Utah; Lisa Swanstrom, University of Utah
Saturday 2:15 p.m.- 3:45 p.m.; Humanities Approaches to Social Media (Paper Session) Room 207/205
"American Emotions and Technology, from the Telegraph to Twitter," "The Gamer is a Lie: #GamerGate and the Loss of Gamer Identity," "The Secret Life of a Hashtag: An Analysis of #FakeNews on Twitter 2010-2017"
Saturday 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m.; Practical Strategies of Access: Considerations of Digital Accessibility in Course Design (Interactive Presentation) Room 303/305
Sherna Huntsman, Utah State University; Jared Colton, Utah State University; Christopher Phillips, Utah State University
Saturday 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.; Going Public: DH and Openness (Paper Session) Room 201/203
"How Does Digital Scholarship Make its Way to the Public?," "Public Poetry in a Digital World," "Reaching (for) Wider Audiences with Your DH Project"
Saturday 4:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.: Catherine DeRose (Keynote Speaker) Room 207/205