Production Efficiency of Abies lasiocarpa: Influence of Vertical Distribution of Leaf Area
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Canadian Jorunal of Forest Research
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A simple conceptual model is proposed concerning how leaf area efficiency (stemwood growth per unit leaf area) changes with leaf area for trees within a stand. Greater leaf area is generally associated with (i) improved light environment due to greater height and (ii) a lower ratio of photosynthetic to nonphotosynthetic tissue. Greater height and improved light environment result in higher photosynthetic production, which should increase leaf area efficiency. A lower ratio of photosynthetic to nonphotosynthetic tissue suggests that the ratio of respiration to photosynthesis increases, which should decrease leaf area efficiency. In relatively small trees, the influence of increased height (associated with greater leaf area) should more than offset the influence of the increased respiration:photosynthesis ratio; as a result, leaf area efficiency should increase with leaf area. In large trees, further increases in leaf area are associated with minimal increases in height, and leaf area efficiency should decline as the respiration:photosynthesis ratio increases. Predictions from this conceptual model were examined with data from stands of subalpine fir (Abieslasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.).
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Recommended Citation
Roberts, S.D., and J.N. Long (1992). Production efficiency of Abies lasiocarpa: influence of vertical distribution of leaf area. Can. J. For. Res. 22(9):1230-1234.
Originally published by the National Research Council - Canada. Abstract available through remote link. Subscription required to access article fulltext.