The TWDEF is in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah about 15 km south of the Utah-Idaho border and about 65 km east of Logan. It is comprised of four sections (sec. 15, 16, 21 and 22, Township 13 North, Range 4 East, Salt Lake Meridian). Utah State University owns one of the sections; the remainder are part of the Logan Ranger District of the Cache National Forest. Access to within 8 km of the experimental forest is via Highway 89. Access to the boundary and within the forest is on unpaved but excellent forest road which bisects the forest north to south; the remainder of the forest is accessed via primitive roads and trails. Winter access is limited to skis or snow machine.
Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) are the dominant late successional species throughout the forest. The major early successional species include lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) and aspen (Populus tremuloides), with Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis) on south-facing ridges and at lower elevations. The aspen and conifer stands are interspersed with meadows and shrub-forb-grass uplands.
Common Redpolls Using Spruce Seeds in Northern Utah, Kimberly G. Smith; The Wilson Bulletin
The Wood and Bark Biomass and Production of Populus tremuloides, Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii in Northern Utah, George Zimmermann
Observations on Reproduction, Growth, and Behavior of the Northern Pocket Gopher (Thomomys talpoides), Douglas C. Anderson; Journal of Mammalogy
Migrational Movements of Blue Jays West of the 100th Meridian, Kimberly G. Smith; North American Bird Bander
Range Extension of the Blue Jay into Western North America, Kimberly G. Smith; Bird-Banding
White-Winged Crossbills Breed in Northern Utah, Kimberly G. Smith; Western Birds
Changes in Spider Community Attributes Along a Subalpine Successional Gradient, Gerald N. Waagen
Soil Water Depletion Following Clearcutting Small Plots in a Spruce-Fir Forest in Northern Utah, David A. Lomas
Tree Leaf Biomass, and Rates of Litterfall, Decomposition and Litter Accumulation through Three Stages of a Successional Sere in Northern Utah, Steven E. Williams
Population Ecology of Snowshoe Hares in the Central Rocky Mountains, Richard A. Dolbeer and William R. Clark; Journal of Wildlife Management
A Study of the Radiation Quality Under Plant Canopies in the Wave Range 0.4 to 2.5 Microns, Nolasco G. Baldazo
Effects of Temperature, Light and Water Stress on the Germination of Several Rocky Mountain Conifers, Allen L. Christophersen
Reproduction, Survival and Density of Snowshoe Hares in Northeastern Utah, William R. Clark
Internal Water Potential of an Engelmann Spruce Stand in Relation to Soil and Atmospheric Factors, Richard L. Meyn
The Influence of Atmospheric Dust and Foliar Leachates on the Chemical Quality of Throughfall in Northern Utah, Dennis R. Parent
Soil Moisture Depletion, Actual and Potential Evapotransipration in an Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Forest, Frank D. Eaton
Influence of Size of Cone Crop on Diameter Growth of Engelmann Spruce (Picea Engelmannii Parry), Herbert Hager
Disappearance of Plant Material Under a Winter Snow Cover, A T. Bleak; Ecology
A Study of Root Biomass in an Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Stand in Northern Utah, Larry O. Gadt
Germination of Four Associated Conifers Stratified in Various Humus and Mineral Substrates, Josef Schmidt
Determination of Current Growth in an Evenage Stand of Lodgepole Pine, by the Lateral Surface Method and its Comparison with the Stand Projection Method, Abdul M. Chaudry
Solar Radiation Under Thinned and Unthinned Lodgepole Pine Stands on the Utah State University School Forest, Belden B. Durtschi
Stratification, Germination and Early Development of Engelmann Spruce on Various Substrates, Garhard Glatzel
Study of Stand Structure in the Uneven-Aged Stands in the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Type on the Utah State University Forest, Raymond R. Moore
The Effect of Temperature on the Root Growth of Coniferous Seedlings, Thomas J. Owen
Effects of Temperature and Stratification on the Germination of Several Rocky Mountain Coniferous Seeds, Judha Krishnamra
Proposed Site Indices for Engelmann Spruce on the College Forest of USU, Ernst Pflugbeil
Growth Prediction in Spruce-Fir Forest Type on U.S.U. College Forest, Peter List