Document Type

Conference Paper

Journal/Book Title/Conference

Proceedings of the 2018 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2018


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Publication Date



National Science Foundation

First Page


Last Page



Near Threshold Computing (NTC) systems have been inherently plagued with heightened process variation (PV) sensitivity. Choke points are an intriguing manifestation of this PV sensitivity. In this paper, we explore the probability of minimum timing violations, caused by choke points, in an NTC system and, their non-Trivial impacts on the system reliability. We show that conventional timing error mitigation techniques are inefficient in tackling choke point induced minimum timing violations. Consequently, we propose a comprehensive error mitigation technique, Trident, to tackle choke points, at NTC. Trident offers a 1.37x performance improvement and a 1.1x energy efficiency gain over Razor at NTC, with minimal overheads.


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