All ECSTATIC Materials
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Fall 2013
Water Resources Planning course taught by Richard Palmer offered in Fall 2013 at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Course materials include lecture slides on specified topics (.ppt and .pdf) and 8 exercises:
Exercise 1 - Fairweather planning (Exer1-2013.pdf)
Exercise 2 - Developing a team (Exer2-2013.pdf)
Exercise 3 - Problems, Opportunities, and Goals Revisited (Exer3-2013.pdf)
Exercise 4 - Defining the Status Quo (Exer4-2013.pdf)
Exercise 5 - Shared Vision Models (Exer5-2013.pdf)
Exercise 6 - Formulating Alternative Plans (Exer6-2013.pdf)
Exercise 7 - Measures of Performance (Exer7-2013.pdf)
Exercise 8 - Selecting Among Alternatives (Exer8-2013.pdf)
Materials also include an example student final report (NOFAWAC_FINAL-Planning Report.pdf)
Recommended Citation
Palmer, Richard, "Water Resources Planning - Fall 2013 - University of Massachusetts Amherst" (2013). All ECSTATIC Materials. Paper 70.