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Directed class activity for students to play the Irrigania Game by Seibert and Vis (2012). Students choose to irrigate fields each year (round) with rainwater, surface water, or groundwater to maximize profit. Six different games are described.
Game 1
- Objective: Maximize your individual rank (profit) in class
- Rules: 1) No communication between you and any other farmer, 2) Precipitation = Normal (P=1), 3) Number of years (rounds) = 15.
Game 2
- Objective: Maximize your individual rank (profit) in class
- Rules: 1) No communication constraints, 2) Precipitation = Normal (P=1), 3), Number of years (rounds) = 15.
Game 3
- Objective: Maximize your village’s rank (average profit) in class
- Rules: 1) No communication constraints, 2) Precipitation = Normal (P=1), 3), Number of years (rounds) = 15.
Game 4
- Objective: Maximize your individual rank (profit) in your village
- Rules: 1) No communication allowed, 2) Precipitation = Random each year (P=0, 1, or 2), 3) Number of years (rounds) = Unknown, 4) Villager's strategies shown after each year.
Game 5
- Objective: Maximize your individual rank (profit) in the class
- Rules: 1) No communication constraints, 2) Precipitation = Random each year (P=0, 1, or 2), 3) Number of years (rounds) = Unknown, 4) Villager's strategies shown after each year.
Game 6
- Objective: Maximize your individual rank (profit) in the class
- Rules: 1) Communication is not allowed, 2) Precipitation is normal (P=1), and 3) Number of years (rounds) = Unknown
Seibert, J., and Vis, M. J. P. (2012). "Irrigania – a web-based game about sharing water resources." Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16(8), 2523-2530. http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/16/2523/2012/.
Recommended Citation
Madani, Kaveh, "Irrigania Game Activity - II" (2018). All ECSTATIC Materials. Paper 73.