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Culture and Narrative Meaning: Narrative and Cultural Meaning, Barre Toelken; Dona Folcloristica: Beiträge zur Europäischen Ethnologie und Folklore
Folklore and Reality in the American West, Barre Toelken; Sense of Place: American Regional Cultures
Four Poems on the Anguish of Snails, Barre Toelken; Petroglyph
Mai'ii Joldlooshi lá Eeyá: The Several Lives of a Navajo Coyote, Barre Toelken; The World and I
Metaphorical Ambiguity and Narrative Meaning in the English-Scottish Popular Ballad, Barre Toelken; ARV: Scandinavian Yearbook of Folklore 1989
Traditional Navajo Arts in Southeastern Utah, Barre Toelken; Blue Mountain Shadows
GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, Bk. 1, Ch. 5, Gene Washington; The Explicator
Mundus Inversus, Gene Washington; Acta Victoriana
Scholia to the Florida Tristram Shandy Annotations, Gene Washington; The Scriblerian
Swift's Meditation Upon a Broomstick, Gene Washington; American Notes & Queries
Computers, Computers, Computers!, J. G. Harris and Joyce Kinkead; Computers, Computers, Computers!
Letter from Trinidad, Joyce Kinkead; English Envoy
Tack sa Mycket: Teaching in Stockholm, Joyce Kinkead; Utah English Journal
Once There Was a Time, Steve Siporin; Midstream: A Monthly Jewish Review
Our Way of Life Was Very Clear': The Nick Sisters of Carbon County, Utah, Steve Siporin; Our Way of Life Was Very Clear': The Nick Sisters of Carbon County, Utah
The Pumpkin Walk, Steve Siporin; The Pumpkin Walk
To Hold High Their Glorious Origins: The Jewish Festivals in Venice, Steve Siporin; Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies
Why Pots and Pans Are Important, Steve Siporin; Why Pots and Pans are Important
The Demands of Harmony, Barre Toelken; I Become Part of It: Sacred Dimensions of Native American Life
The Folklore of Water in the Mormon West, Barre Toelken; Northwest Folklore
Pope's Mary Gulliver to Captain Lemuel Gulliver, Gene Washington; The Explicator
Qlpp, Gene Washington; Weber Studies
Review of "As you can see in the text…", Gene Washington; The Scriblerian
The Jiggy is Up, Gene Washington; Big Two-Hearted
Where is Lilliput, Gene Washington; The Scriblerian
The ESL-A/B Book Project, Alan Blackstock and Sharon Snyder; Passage: A Journal of Refugee Education
State Wide Writing Program Goals, Joyce Kinkead; English Envoy
The Electronic Writing Tutor, Joyce Kinkead; Writing Lab Newsletter
Wired: Computer Networks in the English Classroom, Joyce Kinkead; English Journal
The Fruit Peddler’s Tales, Steve Siporin; The Fruit Peddler's Tales
Pow-wow: Ethnic Intensification in Indian America, Barre Toelken and Vanessa (Wanbli Ota Wi) Brown; Folklore Annual 1987
A Peak Experience, Gene Washington; Academic Study Group
Natural Horses-The Noble Horse-Houyhnhnms, Gene Washington; Swift Studies
Review of Gulliver's Travels (Milton Keynes), Gene Washington; The Scriblerian
Review of The Encyclopedia of American Humorists, Gene Washington; The Scriblerian
The Gulliver Memorandum, Gene Washington; Acta Victoriana
The Next Sentence, Gene Washington; Herald Journal
Computer Conversations: E Mail and Writing Instruction, Joyce Kinkead; CCC
Interfacing WWB and Curriculum, Joyce Kinkead and P. T. Stoddart; Writer's Workbench Users Group Newsletter
Pen Pals and I Am the Cheese, Joyce Kinkead and P. T. Stoddart; ALAN Review
Changing Faces of Halloween, Steve Siporin; Changing Faces of Halloween
Elmer Miller: Buckaroo Bit and Spur Maker, Steve Siporin; The Western Horseman
Living Ethnic Traditions, Steve Siporin; Living Traditions
Folklore in the American West, Barre Toelken; A Literary History of the American West
Life and Death in the Navajo Coyote Tales, Barre Toelken; Recovering the Word: Essays on Native American Literature
A Better Source of Heat, Gene Washington; Big Two-Hearted
How The Bell Tolls, Gene Washington; Academic Study Group
Swift's GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, Bk. 2, Gene Washington; The Explicator
Computer Expert, Joyce Kinkead; English Journal
Matching Software and Curriculum: A Description of Four Text Analysis Programs, Joyce Kinkead; Computers and Composition
Recommended: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Joyce Kinkead; English Journal
Utah State University: Northern Utah's English Articulation Progress, Joyce Kinkead, W. E. Smith, and P. T. Stoddart; School College Collaborative Programs in English
Cowboy Poetry and Local Verse, Steve Siporin; Cowboy Poetry and Local Verse
Memories of Jewish Life, Steve Siporin; Memories of Jewish Life
The Nicks: A Southern-Italian Family in the American West, Steve Siporin; The Nicks: A Southern-Italian Family in the American West
Ballads and Folksongs, Barre Toelken; Folk Groups and Folklore Genres
Figurative Language and Cultural Contexts in the Traditional Ballads, Barre Toelken; Western Folklore
Industriekultur Oder Folklore der Arbeitswelt, Barre Toelken; Volkskultur in der Moderne
The Folklore of Academe, Barre Toelken; The Study of American Folklore
The Ballad of Scholars: Approaches to Ballad Study, Barre Toelken and D. K. Wilgus
Thirdness and Text-Organization, Gene Washington; The Technical Writing Teacher
Using Spreadsheets as a Form of Invention, Gene Washington; Technical Communication
Cracking an Old Chestnut: 'Ozymandias', Joyce Kinkead; Literature: News That Stays News
Picture Perfect Poems, Joyce Kinkead; Ideas for Teaching English in Secondary Schools
The Writing Center's Community, Joyce Kinkead; Writing Lab Newsletter
The Nick Sisters, Steve Siporin; Herstory: 1985 Western Engagement Calendar
Belief Performances Along the Pacific Northwest Coast, Barre Toelken; By Land and By Sea: Studies in the Folklore of Work and Leisure
The Performative Aspect of Northwest Superstition and Popular Belief, Barre Toelken; Northwest Folklore
’Türkenrein’ and ‘Türken, Raus!’ – Images of Fear and Aggression in German Gastarbeiterwitze, Barre Toelken; Turkish Workers in Europe
Belnap's Theory of Questions, Gene Washington; Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters
Facets, Gene Washington; English Journal
Swift and Freemasonry, Gene Washington
The Nature of Audience, Gene Washington; Rhetoric Review
The Struldbruggs, Memory and Reading, Gene Washington; The Scriblerian
Yes-No Questions in Teaching Writing, Gene Washington; The Journal of Teaching Writing
Bumper Stickers, Joyce Kinkead; Ideas Plus
Outreach: The Writing Center, the Campus, and the Community, Joyce Kinkead; New Directions, New Connections
The Western Sermons of Harold Bell Wright, Joyce Kinkead; Journal of American Culture
Collaborative Writing: Essays in Process, Joyce Kinkead and J. E. Ugan; Collaborative Writing: Essays in Process
Passover, Shavuot, and Simhat Torah in Venice: Elite Innovations and Their Acceptance by the Folk, Steve Siporin; Rassegna Mensile di Israel
The Table of the Angel and Two Other Jewish-Venetian Food Customs, Steve Siporin; Lares
We Came To Where We Were Supposed To Be: Folk Art of Idaho, Steve Siporin; We Came To Where We Were Supposed To Be: Folk Art of Idaho
Langfristige Feldforschung: Vorteile and Enttäuschungen, Barre Toelken; Feldforschung: Qualitative Methoden in der Kultur-Analyse
Teaching the Use of Declarative/Procedural Information, Gene Washington; Technical Communication
Variances at Mesa Verde, Gene Washington; New Mexico Humanities Review
When Hector Should Turn and Face Achilles, Gene Washington; Nexus
A Report on the CCCC Writing Lab Directors Session, Joyce Kinkead; Writing Lab Newsletter
Ruby Slippers, Joyce Kinkead; Kansas Quarterly
A Student's Guide to Writing, Joyce Kinkead and W. E. Smith; A Student's Guide to Writing
Racism and Contemporary Oral Tradition, Barre Toelken; The Harvard Advocate
Syncretism and Folklorism in Contemporary Native Expression, Barre Toelken
Realms, Concerns and Information Cells, Gene Washington; The English Quarterly
Lighting Out for the Territory: Paul Zindel's Youths, Joyce Kinkead; English in Texas
Writing Center Annual Reports, Joyce Kinkead; Tutoring Writing
Italian Jewry, Steve Siporin; Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Newsletter
Considerations for Further Research on the Alpine Yodel, Barre Toelken; Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung
Native Arts and Public Policy, Barre Toelken; Native Arts Issues
Seeing with Both Eyes, Barre Toelken; Native Arts Issues
Yellowman erzählt eine Geschichte von Coyote, Barre Toelken; Ezrählen: Die Wiederentdeckung einer vergessenen Kunst
Harold Bell Wright: The Man Who Went Away, Joyce Kinkead; Little Balkans Review