"ADC continues with EIS process" by Robert H. Schmidt

ADC continues with EIS process

Document Type


Journal/Book Title

The Probe

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First Page



The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal Damage Control (ADC) program is continuing with its preparation for a final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the biological, socio-cultural, economic, and physical impacts of the ADC program. The purpose of the current EIS is to inform the public of various alternatives being considered. Through the EIS process, ADC—a division of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) — is attempting to develop a responsible and effective plan that complies with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. The final EIS will replace a similar document prepared in 1979 when ADC was a division of the U.S. Department of the Interior. NEPA establishes policies goals, and procedures to ensure that Federal agency decisions reflect a thorough understanding of the environmental consequences of a proposed action and its alternatives. This enables the Federal agency to inform the public about potential impacts on society and the environment The draf tEIS issued in 1990 was part of an informational and decision-making process necessary to ensure that ADC actions met with policies and goals required by NEPA. Issues and alternatives addressed in the draftEIS were derived from agency and public comments about a variety of ADC-related topics. By the close of the comment period for the draft EIS, 1,559 comment letters had been received. Four major areas of concern about the draft EIS evolved from the comments received by ADC.

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