"Meat Traceability: Are U.S. Consumers Willing to Pay For It?" by David L. Dickenson and DeeVon Bailey

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Journal/Book Title/Conference

Economics Research Institute Study Paper




Utah State University Department of Economics

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This article reports the results from a series of laboratory auction markets in which consumers bid on meat characteristics. The characteristics examined include meat traceability (i.e., the ability to trace the retail meat back to the farm or animal or origin), transparency (e.g., knowing that the meat was produced without growth hormones, or knowing the animal was humanely treated), and assurances (e.g., extra meat safety assurances). This laboratory study provides non-hypothetical bid data on U.S. consumer preferences for traceability, transparency, and assurances (TTA) in red meat at a time when the U.S. currently lags other countries in development ofTTA meat systems. Our results suggest that U.S. consumers would be willing to pay for such TT A meat characteristics, and the magnitude of the consumer bids suggest a likely profitable market for development of U.S. TT A systems.
